Forskningsprosjekter ved teologisk fakultet

The ambiguous memory of Nordic Protestantism (MEMORY)

MEMORY will apply a spatial perspective for analysing and interpreting the specific character of Nordic Protestant tradition. The concentration on three Nordic countries - Denmark, Sweden, and Norway - will supply a sufficient basis for an overall typological description of the case of Nordic Protestantism.

MEMORY will also give a contribution to the understanding of the specific profile of Nordic secularity. In this region of Europe, the extension of the secular sphere through deconstruction of Catholic sanctity prepared the ground for a new construction of secularity.

Compared to other European Protestant cultures, the secular sites in Scandinavia are not defined in sharp contrast to religious sanctity. Rather, Nordic secularity tends to be more open to including aspects of sanctity in itself. The ambition of this project is to contribute with new answers to a newly started discussion on this topic.

Les mer om prosjektet


Tarald Rasmussen

Ansvarlig enhet

Det teologiske fakultet


  • Forskerprosjekt

Helsefaglig forskning

  • Nei


  • Nei


  • Start: 2014
  • Slutt: 2020
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