Forskningsprosjekter ved Det odontologiske fakultet

Creating a reduced version of the Cues to Action Scale for flossing behaviour - a pilot study

Background: Executive functions are anticipated to explain flossing behaviour, with their influence expected to be linked somewhat to the presence of environmental cues. While quantifying exposure to environmental cues may be performed through self-reflection exercises, such methods may leave room for misinterpretation and be mentally cumbersome when included in larger test batteries. Alternatively, success has been shown when scale items gauge exposure to specific cues that may be relevant to the target demographic. 

Aims: The current study aims to elucidate which environmental cues may be most relevant to flossing behaviour among Norwegian university students. The study seeks to generate scale items to be used in future measurements of cue-exposure related to flossing. 

Methods: The study will recruit thirty (N=30) university students, aged 18-30, to complete a questionnaire measuring flossing intention, flossing frequency, flossing automaticity, and the relevance and impact of twenty-nine (k=29) shortlisted environmental cues related to flossing behaviour. The three (k=3) environmental cues which demonstrate a high level of relevance and impact, and appropriate associations with intentions, behaviour and automaticity will be included in a derived scale of cue-exposure. This scale is to be used in future studies examining flossing behaviour and the underlying roles of automaticity and executive functioning. 


  • Nei
  • Begrunnelse: Anonymiserte data


Prosjektet har ingen godkjenninger


Anne Rønneberg

Ansvarlig enhet

Avdeling for pedodonti og atferdsfag



  • Ph.d.-prosjekt

Helsefaglig forskning

  • Ja


  • Nei


  • Start: mars 2021
  • Slutt: desember 2021
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