Forskningsprosjekter ved Fagavdeling for kognitiv og klinisk nevrovitenskap

Multimodal assessment of inhibitory control

Inhibitory control is part of higher cognitive functions that support the regulation of complex goal directed behavior and is crucial for modifying behavior in response to sudden changes in the environment. Disrupted motor inhibition is associated with cognitive and behavioral impairments as manifested in a variety of psychopathological syndromes, such as attention deficit hyperactivity, or obsessive compulsive. A detailed neural model of inhibitory control would aid understanding the etiology and course of these disorders, however, a comprehensive understanding of inhibitory control even in healthy population is still lacking. Current literature on inhibitory control is scattered in two aspects. Firstly, individual studies tend to focus on only one specific type of inhibition (e.g. preparatory inhibition, reactive inhibition, proactive inhibition, interference inhibition etc), assuming that the findings will reflect the unitary construct of inhibitory control. Secondly, usually a single brain imaging modality is used (e.g EEG of fMRI), making it difficult to compare studies that have used different neuroscientific methods that all investigate the same construct. Our goal is to overcome these issues by conducting series of experiments using different inhibition tasks in combination of multimodal assessment of brain function at rest and during experiments.

Prosjektbeskrivelse med vedlegg

Disse dokumentene er kun synlige for prosjektleder, enhetens leder og forskningsadministrasjon.


  • Ja


Intern fremleggelse - Ja

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Disse dokumentene er kun synlige for prosjektleder, enhetens leder og forskningsadministrasjon.


Rene Huster

Ansvarlig enhet

Psykologisk institutt



  • Studentprosjekt – Bachelor-, master- eller spesialistoppgave
  • Ph.d.-prosjekt
  • Forskerprosjekt

Helsefaglig forskning

  • Ja


  • Ikke besvart


  • Start: november 2018
  • Slutt: november 2023
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