Forskningsprosjekter ved Fagavdeling for helse-, utviklings- og personlighetspsykologi

The Evaluation of Tuning in to Kids in Norwegian FUS kindergartens: TIK FUS

Early childhood teachers/carers play a pivotal role in shaping children’s capacities to understand and manage their emotions. There are, however, big differences in teachers’ skills in responding to emotions, and kindergarten classrooms differ widely in how well they facilitate children’s emotional learning (in Norway this problem is outlined in Meld. St. 21: Lærelyst – tidlig innsats og kvalitet i skolen, 2016-2017). Meta-analytic studies have found that kindergarten and school-based socio-emotional learning has significant effects on not only social and emotional skills in children, but also on their behaviour and academic performance (Greenberg et al., 2017; Taylor et al., 2017). Delivery of teacher focused intervention that builds skills in responding to children’s emotions is, therefore, an excellent opportunity to universally promote optimal development in children.

This study evaluates an innovative evidence-based intervention from Australia, Tuning in to Kids®  (TIK), delivered to childcare teachers/carers in 49 FUS kindergartens in Norway to improve children’s emotional competence. Approximately 880 teachers will be trained in emotion coaching, a way of responding to emotions that assists children to understand and regulate their emotions. The project will impact around 3,500 children directly and it will be the first randomised controlled trial of TIK in Norwegian kindergartens.

It is expected that educating teachers in the skills of emotion coaching will assist children to improve their social and emotional competencies, which will also promote their academic learning. It is expected that these skills will facilitate more supportive responses to children’s emotions by teachers, contributing to a better classroom environment. If the intervention is found to be effective, this knowledge will provide important evidence for the benefits of delivering an emotion coaching intervention to kindergarten teachers.


  • Samarbeid med FUS AS og Kompetansetjeneste for tidlig innsats
  • UiO har behandlingsansvar for personopplysninger

Prosjektbeskrivelse med vedlegg

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  • p794


NSD - Ja

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REK - Ikke behov


Sophie Seychelle Havighurst

Ansvarlig enhet

Psykologisk institutt



  • Forskerprosjekt

Helsefaglig forskning

  • Nei


  • Ja


  • Start: mai 2019
  • Slutt: desember 2021
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