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dScience Lunch Seminar: Alise Midtfjord

Welcome to our weekly lunch seminar held in the dScience lounge area! This event is open to PhD candidates and postdocs.

Photo: Colourbox

Photo: Colourbox

Alise Danielle Midtfjord is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Mathematics (UiO) and is part of the Risk and Stochastics as well as the Statistics and Data Science groups. Her research focuses on the use of machine learning for safety-critical engineering applications, such as airplane landings. 

Alise will talk about a novel machine learning method, which combines classical methods from time-to-event prediction with copula theory and modern machine learning algorithms. Time-to-event prediction is a branch of statistics, which is focused on predicting the time until the occurrence of an event. Typical examples of this can be prediction of operational lifetime of a machinery part or time to recovery from a disease. One challenge with time-to-event data is possible censoring of the event time, where only a lower and/or higher bound of the event time is known, and not the actual event time. Most methods developed for censored data assume independent censoring, which means that the reasons for censoring are unrelated to the event of interest. In many real-world applications, this assumption does not hold, and the models give biased predictions. This talk presents a new method for doing time-to-event prediction which handles dependent censoring and is easily combined with high-performing and scalable machine learning methods.


11:30 – Doors open and lunch is served

12:00 – "Time-to-Event Prediction with Dependent Censoring" by Alise Midtfjord (PhD candidate, Risk and Stochastics)

This event is open for all PhD candidates and postdocs. No registration needed.

About the seminar series

Once a month, dScience will invite you to join us for lunch, soft drinks and professional talks at the Science Library. In addition to these, we will serve lunch to PhD candidates in our lounge in Kristine Bonnevies hus every Thursday. Due to limited space (40 people), this will be first come, first served. See how to find us here (download).

Our lounge can also be booked by PhDs and Postdocs on a regular basis, whether it is for a meeting or just to hang out – we have fresh coffee all day long! Read more about the seminar series here.

Lounge Calendar

Tags: dscience, postdoc, phd, lunch seminar
Published Jan. 12, 2022 12:23 PM - Last modified Feb. 8, 2022 9:13 AM