
Showing result 1–20 of 49 for «lovdata»

JUS5630 – Privacy and Data Protection – Universitetet i Oslo

written materials. Printouts/notes from Lovdata are allowed. No electronic support materials are allowed. Lovdata Pro will be closed for all students during...

JUR1630 – Privacy and Data Protection – Universitetet i Oslo

these written materials. Printouts/notes from Lovdata Pro are allowed. Rules for source referencing are crucial for determining whether the use of...

HUMR5140 – Human rights in international and national law – Universitetet i Oslo

restrictions on marking up or highlighting these written materials. Printouts/notes from Lovdata are allowed. No electronic support materials are allowed...

Subject page for Criminology and Sociology of Law - University of Oslo Library

you can find literature in both criminology and sociology of law. Lovdata Pro Contains Norwegian legal sources in full text, including laws, preparatory...

JUS5730 – International Humanitarian Law (The Law of Armed Conflict) – Universitetet i Oslo

handwritten or printed. There are no restrictions on marking up or highlighting these written materials. Printouts/notes from Lovdata are allowed. No electronic...

JUR1730 – International Humanitarian Law (BA) – Universitetet i Oslo

handwritten or printed. There are no restrictions on marking up or highlighting these written materials. Printouts/notes from Lovdata are allowed. No electronic...

Procedures for reporting censurable conditions at UiO – University of Oslo

Environment Act (lovdata-no) (Norwegian) . The obligation occurs as soon as they become aware of: faults or defects which could result in danger to life or...

The Information Centre at the Faculty of Law - Faculty of Law

-services for students Access to Lovdata and Rettsdata Username and password Access to wi-fi Templates for assignements Two-factor authentication Microsoft...

"A relatively spacious margin for tasteless speech" - Institute of Health and Society

, § 185 a and b, that are available in LovData, we examine where the threshold for imposing a penalty is established, and which variables the courts weigh...

Marking criteria for written examination – Universitetet i Oslo

handwritten or printed. There are no restrictions on marking up or highlighting these written materials. Printouts/notes from Lovdata are allowed. No electronic...

Guidance for those who want to apply for promotion to Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, UiO – University of Oslo

accordingly Regulations concerning appointment and promotion to teaching and research posts - Lovdata Note: In addition to assessing scientific works, basic...

Anne-Beth Meidell Engan - Department of Private Law

], under utgivelse (høsten 2021) i: Karnov Lovkommentarer på Lovdata Hotvedt, Marianne Jenum og Anne-Beth Engan: «New Supreme Court decision on the...

Marking criteria for written examination – Universitetet i Oslo

highlighting these written materials. Printouts/notes from Lovdata are allowed. No electronic support materials are allowed. Lovdata Pro will be closed for all...

Marking criteria for written examination – Universitetet i Oslo

. Printouts/notes from Lovdata are allowed. No electronic support materials are allowed. Lovdata Pro will be closed for all students during the 4 hour school...

Act and regulations - NCMM - Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

Act and regulations Our local procedures are based on: Act on radiation protection and use of radiation (ACT 2000-05-12 nr 36) (Lovdata

Clarissa Lage Dahl - Det juridiske fakultet

. I tillegg jobber hun som studentmedarbeider (deltid) hos Lovdata. Hun har tidligere vært ansatt som undervisningsassistent i valgfaget JUR1080/JUS5080...

Data management at ISS - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

." (Lovdata). The provisions contained in these regulation affect all research projects that process personal data. The UiO/Faculty of Educational Sciences...

Data management at ISV - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

." (Lovdata). The provisions contained in this regulation affect all research projects that process personal data. The UiO/Faculty of Social Sciences/Department...

Guidance for those who want to apply for promotion to Senior Lecturer or Docent at the faculty of Humanities, UiO – University of Oslo

fulfill all requirements accordingly Regulations concerning appointment and promotion to teaching and research posts - Lovdata § 1-3 (Docent) and § 1-5...

Planning for teaching – For ansatte – Universitetet i Oslo

digital services at UiO should be universally designed in accordance with the regulations for universal design of ICT (Lovdata) . Universal design is the...