
Showing result 41–60 of 245 for «lovdata»

wages-and-holiday-pay-24.pdf –

(Lovdata): Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV): 11 3. EMPLOYEE'S RIGHT TO HOLIDAY PAY 3.1. Introduction Holiday Act...

Procedure for working with genetically modified organisms (GMO) - Department of Biosciences

) For more information about the laws and regulation see the Norwegian webpages Forskrift om innesluttet bruk av genmodifiserte mikroorganismer (Lovdata...

Petroleum Contract Law - Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law

University Press, 2007. In addition, we arrange seminars at the Petroleum and Energy Law Club every semester. Tools • LovData • Norsk Fabrikasjonskontrakt 2007...

Regulations and guidelines - Faculty of Social Sciences

) Employment as a PhD fellow Terms of employment for PhD fellows (Lovdata, Norwegian only) Employment in PhD and Post-doc positions at the University of Oslo...

wages-and-holiday-pay-24.pdf –

(Lovdata): Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV): 11 3. EMPLOYEE'S RIGHT TO HOLIDAY PAY 3.1. Introduction Holiday Act...

About the Centre - Det juridiske fakultet

collection, which is available to everyone. Moreover, the Centre publishes the biweekly newsletter EuroRett in cooperation with Lovdata. Organizing By decision...

Sideline jobs and owner interests of UiO staff – University of Oslo

verv som utføres på fritiden 2007-01-02 0 Bruserud, Herman Institutt for privatrett Stiftelsen Lovdata Leder for stiftelsens styre 2015-03-01 0 Bruserud...

05-universell-utforming.pdf – Universitetet i Oslo

de som skaper, fremfører eller investerer i åndsverk eller nærstående prestasjoner og arbeider» (Lovdata, 08.02.24)

rapport-eksternt-panel---programevaluering-dec-2022-v2.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

statistics/big data • Enable more inter-professional courses The professional environment Requirements to professional environment (Lovdata $2-3) are assessed...

Syllabus/achievement requirements – HMAN5160 - Autumn 2020 – Universitetet i Oslo

om kommunal medfinansiering av spesialisthelsetjenesten og kommunal betaling for utskrivningsklare pasienter (2012-01-01). Available from: Lovdata...

Reference resolution for court cases - Institutt for informatikk

knowledge bases). In practice, this thesis will work on a dataset of synthetic court cases generated from actual court cases from Lovdata. This thesis will be...

educate-rapport-3-2024.pdf - Institutt for lærerutdanning og skoleforskning

Lisbeth M. Brevik, Greta B. Gudmundsdottir, Peter N. Aashamar, Rebecca L. S. Barreng, Katherina Dodou, Gerard Doetjes, Kirsten M. Hartvigsen, Ove E. H

abstracts-(23-november).pdf - Museum for universitets- og vitenskapshistorie

Microsoft Word - book of abstracts (ver November 22).docx 1 ABSTRACTS Contents Session 1: Magnus Vollset: Leprosy and the biggest anniversary you've (...

phdavhandling_hansson.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

Avhandling_Hansson pdfX Building bridges over troubled water A qualitative evaluation of an implementation study on family involvement in the treatmen

semesteroppgave2211_h23_2.pdf – Universitetet i Oslo

forvaltningsloven.» I Lovdata Pro (2021) hentet 12.11.2023. Støre, Jonas Gahr. «Spørsmål om regjeringsapparatets håndtering av habilitetsregelverk mv.» (01.09.2023...

semesteroppgave2211_h23_1.pdf – Universitetet i Oslo

Lovdata Pro]. Lovavdelingen i Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet. Habilitet – statsminister Jonas Gahr Støre. Forvaltningsloven § 6 annet ledd [Svar til...

shs2022-esrel.pdf - Department of Informatics

forsvarsmessig sikring av kraft- forsyningen. Norway. https : / / lovdata . no / dokument/NLO/lov/1948-06-25-8. . 1990. Lov om produksjon, omforming, overføring...

Syllabus – HMAN5160 - Autumn 2016 – Universitetet i Oslo

utskrivningsklare pasienter (2012-01-01). Available from: Lovdata. Link. Campbell H. et. al. Integrated care pathways. British Medical Journal, Vol 316, Jan 1998...

sharing-material-goods-for-reduced-consumption-frida-ovregaard-lunde-gml.pdf - Senter for utvikling og miljø

Sharing material goods for reduced consumption Overview of literature; local, national, and regional strategies; legal frameworks; and available modes

Semester page for JUR5401 – Autumn 2010 – University of Oslo

Auxiliary materials Library catalogue Lovdata (in Norwegian from UiO only) Contact us Administration and teachers