
Showing result 1–10 of 10 for «dictionaries»

econ4330-v19-paper.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

calculator - is allowed (except if you have been granted use of a dictionary from the Faculty of Social Sciences). Grading: The grades given: A-F, with A as...

econ4510-v19-paper.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

dictionary from the Faculty of Social Sciences). Grading: The grades given: A-F, with A as the best and E as the weakest passing grade. F is fail. Grades are...

econ4915-v19-paper.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

if you have been granted use of a dictionary from the Faculty of Social Sciences). Grading: The grades given: A-F, with A as the best and E as the...

econ4325-v19-paper.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

written or printed resources - or calculator - is allowed (except if you have been granted use of a dictionary from the Faculty of Social Sciences). Grading...

econ4240-v19-paper.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

- or calculator - is allowed (except if you have been granted use of a dictionary from the Faculty of Social Sciences). Grading: The grades given: A-F...

econ36_4620-v19-paper.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

allowed: No written or printed resources - or calculator - is allowed (except if you have been granted use of a dictionary from the Faculty of Social...

econ4335-h18-paper.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

- or calculator - is allowed (except if you have been granted use of a dictionary from the Faculty of Social Sciences). Grading: The grades given: A-F...

econ4310-h18-paper.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

granted use of a dictionary from the Faculty of Social Sciences). Grading: The grades given: A-F, with A as the best and E as the weakest passing grade. F...

econ4910-v19-paper.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

- is allowed (except if you have been granted use of a dictionary from the Faculty of Social Sciences). Grading: The grades given: A-F, with A as the...

econ4260-h18-paper.pdf - Økonomisk institutt

calculator - is allowed (except if you have been granted use of a dictionary from the Faculty of Social Sciences). Grading: The grades given: A-F, with A as...