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Catherine Cornille

Catherine Cornille is a new honorary doctor at the University of Oslo.

Portrait photo of Catherine Cornille, new honorary doctor at the University of Oslo

Catherine Cornille. Foto: Boston College

Catherine Cornille is Professor of Comparative Theology at Boston College. She received her education from KU Leuven and the University of Hawaii.

Cornille is a creative and courageous researcher who challenges generally accepted truths in the field of religion and emphasizes the importance of including women’s perspectives in religious dialogue and theology of religions.

With significant books such as The Im/Possibility of Interreligious Dialogue (2008) Cornille has given outstanding contributions to methodology and theoretical analysis of particular challenges in comparative theology, even politically, culturally, and philosophically. At the same time, she is able to show how religion may contribute locally and globally to better understanding and cooperation between peoples and cultures.

Cornille has focused in particular on the relationship between Asian religions and Christianity, including studies of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam from an interreligious perspective.

Published July 8, 2022 8:57 AM - Last modified Jan. 22, 2024 5:58 AM