Important information regarding fieldwork and master thesis

Due to the coronavirus situation, some students have had to change plans regarding fieldwork and the subsequent writing of the master thesis. Here you will find information about how to proceed if you are delayed. 

The information differs somewhat depending on the year you started on the programme. For all who experience delays, however, please remember the following:

  • Discuss your plans regarding the fieldwork and thesis writing with your supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Delays may have consequences for keeping within the required study progression. Contact the administration for advice on whether you should apply for a leave of absence and prolonged enrollment in order to keep your place on the programme. The administration can also help set up a new progress plan.
  • If you rely on loans/stipends from Lånekassen or a residence permit from UDI, please contact these institutions directly to be advised on how the delay affects your economy or residence permit. We cannot speak for UDI or Lånekassen.

Please take care to read the information below pertaining to your starting year:


Students who started on the MA programme autumn in 2019


It is usually only possible to sign up for ANTH4200 Fieldwork in Studentweb for the autumn semester. Due to the coronavirus situation, students who started on the MA programme in 2019 will also be able to sign up for ANTH4200 in Studentweb either spring 2021 or autumn 2021.

What is the deadline to hand in fieldwork report spring 2021?

The deadline for handing in the fieldwork report is June 1 at 2 PM (Norwegian time) in Inspera.

I have signed up for ANTH4200 Fieldwork for spring 2021, but the fieldwork I planned is not possible to conduct in the foreseeable future after all. What are my options?



Change your project description to accommodate digital fieldwork/fieldwork that can be conducted under the current circumstances, or write a thesis based on written sources. Please contact your supervisor for help. Please also notify the administration of your plans.


Apply for a leave of absence for spring 2021 and sign up for ANTH4200 for autumn 2021 instead (last chance). Be advised that if the fieldwork you have planned is still not possible to conduct by the start of the autumn semester, you will have to change your plans as described in the bullet point above.

  • Leave of absence may be granted with retroactive effect if the cause is delays in fieldwork due to the coronavirus situation.The deadline for applying is then 1 September for the spring semester.
  • If you apply for a leave of absence, remember to withdraw for the exam for ANTH4200 in Studentweb by 1 June.
  • Remember to ask your supervisors for advice and notify them of any changes.

What is the deadline for signing up for ANTH4200 Fieldwork in autumn 2021?

The next opportunity to hand in your fieldwork report is autumn 2021.

The time and date for handing in the fieldwork report (ANTH4200) will be published in the end of May 2021.

Remember to sign up for the course in Studentweb in August. The final deadline for signing up, paying the semester fee and registering in Studentweb is 1 September.

Master thesis

What is the deadline to hand in my master thesis spring 2021?

Due to the coronavirus situation, the deadline for handing in the master thesis has been extended by three weeks.

The new deadline is June 15 at 2:00 PM (Norwegian time) in Inspera.

The oral examination will be held in August.


I have signed up for ANTH4090/SOSANT4090 spring 2021 but I won't be able to submit the thesis on time. What should I do?


If you are unable to hand in your master thesis by spring 2021, the next opportunity will be in November 2021. The deadline will be posted on the semester page for ANTH4090 in the end of May 2021. 

If you have to postpone the submission of your thesis until autumn, please do the following:

  1. Withdraw from the exam in Studentweb to avoid using an attempt at ANTH4090. The deadline for withdrawing from the exam is 1 June.
  2. Contact the administration to notify us of your postponement and get help to sign up for the next exam. The deadline to sign for the exam is 1 September, so contact us well ahead of this. (Remember that this is also the final deadline for paying the semester fee.)

Students who started the MA programme in autumn 2020


Students who started on the programme in 2020 have been instructed to prepare an alternative to traditional fieldwork if travel should not be possible due to the coronavirus situation. 

However, in these uncertain times delays may occur regardless of well-laid plans. If so, please consult your supervisors in order to change your fieldwork plans, and notify the administration if you are delayed. This also goes for students who apply for leave of absence during the period that they should otherwise have conducted fieldwork and/or writing their theses. The administration will assist you in changing the timeline for fieldwork and the master thesis, and consider whether there will be need to apply for leave of absence due to unforeseen changes in the possibilities of conducting fieldwork as planned. 

The deadline to hand in the fieldwork report in ANTH4200 autumn 2021 is December 13 at 2:00 PM (Norwegian time) in Inspera. Remember to sign up for the course in Studentweb in August. The final deadline for signing up, paying the semester fee and registering in Studentweb is 1 September.

We will offer ANTH4200 both spring and autumn until autumn 2022.


Published Feb. 9, 2021 10:17 AM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2021 4:18 PM