Finding, Reading and Interpreting Arabic Sources for Your Master’s Thesis

Theme for MES4210 spring 2018

Course content

For your master’s thesis, you are expected to base your research to a significant extent on sources in the languages of the Middle East. In spring 2018, MES4210 therefore aims to train you in the selection, reading, and interpretation of Arabic texts and online videos in line with and relevant for your master’s theses, such as narratives about gender and youth issues, political and sectarian strife, or efforts towards a ‘green shift’ in the region. As finding and selecting relevant literature is part of the course’s methodology training, the precise source material will be determined depending on and in cooperation with the students signed up for the course.


This course consists of 10 seminars à 90 minutes each.

After mapping participants’ research interests, students will be introduced to searching and identifying relevant source material. In cooperation with the students, teachers will then draw up a list of Arabic sources that are important for their research. Students will then, throughout the semester, read and discuss these materials. Each student will be required to take charge of two in-class seminars dealing with texts on his or her specialization; this includes a brief presentation of the topic in question; guiding in-class reading and discussion of the source material; and formulating a minimum of two critical questions that are either raised by the source material, or that could be addressed to the source.

Compulsory tuition activities: leading two in-class seminars; active participation in both readings and discussion in at least 70% of class meetings.


Term paper, for the preconditions and specifications of which see the general course description. In your term paper, you will present, partially translate, summarize, and critically discuss Arabic source material relevant for your masters’ thesis. The term paper will have to demonstrate your ability reliably to work with Arabic sources and critically to engage with them.

Published Nov. 24, 2017 2:12 PM - Last modified Nov. 24, 2017 2:12 PM