Webpages tagged with «Studiestart»

UiO studenter kommer gående side og side opp trappen mot fontenen på Blindern. To faddere går fremst i røde t-skjorter med UiO-logo på. Den ène fadderen holder opp et skilt med med påskriften: Internasjonale studenter.
Published Apr. 29, 2024 10:40 AM

Welcome as a new student at the Department of Geosciences! There will be a information meeting for all new students in the master programme Geosciences and CS: Geoscience with useful information about the studies and study start. 

Published July 6, 2016 10:42 AM

This page provides important information for students who have been admitted to the Master's Programme in Astronomy, in order to prepare for the semester start, as well as information about the orientation week and a compulsory information meeting for new students.