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Previous winners of Anders Jahre's Awards for Medical Research

Anders Jahre's Awards for Medical Research was first rewarded in 1960. Since 1965 the Award has been split into two prizes, a Senior Medical Prize and a Young Scientist Prize.

Prize winners 2022

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2022

Awarded to Professor Harald A. Stenmark, University of Oslo.

Portrett av Poul NissenProfessor Stenmark receives this award for his groundbreaking research on the structure and function of membrane proteins. The findings of the award winner are important for understanding and treating diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and psychiatric disorders. The award is in the sum of NOK 1 million..


The Young Scientist Prize for 2022

Jointly awarded to Lars Wiuff Andersen and Lykke Sylow.

Portrait photo of Lars Wiuff AndersenLecturer Lars Wiuff Andersen, Aarhus University, was awarded the prize for his outstanding studies of treatments for cardiac arrest.




Portrait photo of Lars Wiuff AndersenLecturer Lykke Sylow, University of Copenhagen, was awarded the prize for her outstanding studies of molecular metabolic causes of loss of muscle mass in patients with cancer and type 2 diabetes.



Prize winners 2021

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2021

Awared to Professor Poul Nissen, Aarhus University.

Portrett av Poul NissenProfessor Nissen receives this award for his groundbreaking research on the structure and function of membrane proteins. The findings of the award winner are important for understanding and treating diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and psychiatric disorders. The award is in the sum of NOK 1 million.


The Young Scientist Prize for 2021

Awared to Professor Barbara van Loon at NTNU

Image may contain: Person, Nose, Cheek, Smile, Shoulder.Professor van Loon receives the award for her studies of the cellular response to DNA damage and the importance this has for cancer and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Prize winners 2020

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2020

Image may contain: .Will be split between

  • professor Jiri Lukas from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and
  • professor Jiri Bartek from the Danish Cancer Society in Copenhagen and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

for their groundbreaking work in registering how proteins involved in the regulation of cell cycles and DNA repair contribute to protecting genes and preventing the development of cancer.

The Young Scientist Prize for 2020

Image may contain: Glasses, Hair, Facial hair, Forehead, Chin.Is awarded to Dr. Niklas Björkström, Karolinska Institute, Huddinge, Sweden,

for his discoveries of how NK cells develop and function in physiological and pathological situations, especially in viral and malignant liver disease.

Prize winners 2019

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2019

Portrett av Carl-Henrik Heldin, foto: Mikael WallerstedtProfessor Carl-Henrik Heldin, Uppsala University, received the award for his pioneering contribution to understanding the relationship between cell growth factors and cancer.


The Young Scientist Prize for 2019

Portrett av Jenny Mjösberg, foto: Bildmakarna, Karolinska InstitutetDr. Jenny Mjösberg, Karolinska Institutet, received the award for her study of a newly discovered cell type in the immune system that contributes to allergies and inflammatory diseases.



Portrett av Lars Tjelta Westlye, foto: UiODr. Lars Tjelta Westlye, University of Oslo, received the award for his contributions towards understanding how innate characteristics and personality traits can explain predisposition to mental disorders.

Prize winners 2018

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2018

Portrait of Claes Ohlsson, photo:Professor Claes Ohlsson, University of Gothenburg, is awarded the prize for his groundbreaking studies of osteoporosis, with particular emphasis on the importance of hormones and genes.


The Young Scientist Prize for 2018

Portrait of Espen Melum, photo:UiO/Øystein H. HorgmoForsker Espen Melum, Oslo University Hospital and Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, is awarded the prize for his research on an incurable liver disease; PSC (primary sclerosing cholangitis).


Portrait of Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen, photo: Martin GravgaardAssociate professor Martin Roelsgaard Jakobsen, Aarhus University, is awarded the prize for his contribution to our understanding of how infections are detected and defeated by the immune system.


Prize winners 2017

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2017

Professor Christer Betsholtz, Uppsala University and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden - for his pioneering contribution to our understanding of how blood vessel networks are formed and function, and the medical significance of this.


The Young Scientist Prize for 2017

Dr. Signe Sørensen Torekov, Copenhagen University - for her research on metabolism and diabetes.



Professor Simon Bekker-Jensen, Copenhagen University - for his discoveries of cellular mechanisms that connect DNA damage and cancer.



Prize winners 2015

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2015

Professor Ludvig Sollid, Universitetet i Oslo - for his ground-breaking research into gluten intolerance, celiac disease.




Professor Rikard Holmdahl, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm - for his ground-breaking research into rheumatoid arthritis.



The Young Scientist Prize for 2015

Portrett av Kaisa Haglund

Dr Kaisa Haglund, Oslo universitetssykehus - for her pioneering study of cellular mechanisms which control cell division and cancer development.




Professor Pernilla Lagergren, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm - for her ground-breaking research into factors affecting patient survival and quality of life after cancer surgery.


Prize winners 2014

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2014

Professor Kristian Helin, University of Copenhagen - for his ground-breaking contributions to understand epigenetics - chemical modifications of our genetic material that turn genes on and off.



The Young Scientist Prize for 2014

portrett av Sandberg

Associate Professor Rickard Sandberg, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm

"for his outstanding contributions on studies of gene regulation and cancer.



portrett av SAmpsa

professor Sampsa Hautaniemi, University of Helsinki - for outstanding research on systems biology and cancer.



Prize winners 2013

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2013


Professor Jens Juul Holst, University of Copenhagen - for his ground-breaking contribution to the treatment of type 2 diabetes (insulin-independent diabetes).



The Young Scientist Prize for 2013

Portrett av Christian B.F. Andersen

Professor Christian B. F. Andersen, University of Aarhus - for his structural determination of macromolecular complexes that are of importance for vitamin transport, haemoglobin metabolism and protein synthesis.


portrett av Yenan Bryceson

Professor Yenan Bryceson, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm - for his outstanding research into natural killer cells and congenital blood diseases.


Prize winners 2012

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2012

Portrett av Leif Groop

Professor Leif Groop, University of Lund - for his ground-breaking research on diabetes, especially for his identification of hereditary factors that predispose to this disease group.



The Young Scientist Prize for 2012

Portrett av Harkany

Professor Tibor Harkany, the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm - for his research on the brain’s endogenous reward molecules and how they regulate the functions of the central nervous system.



portrett av Pietras

Professor Kristian Pietras, University of Lund - for his research on mechanisms that regulate the blood supply to tumours and the prospect of targeting these in cancer therapy.



Prize winners 2011

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2011

portrett av ekteparet moser

Professor May Britt Moser and Professor Edvard I. Moser, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim - for their research on the structure and function of the central nervous system.



The Young Scientist Prize for 2011

portrett av ivaska

Professor Johanna Ivaska, University of Turku - for her research on how cancer cells migrate and spread.



portrett av paludan

Professor Søren Paludan, University of Aarhus - for his contributions to our understanding of how the defense against viralinfections.



Prize winners 2010

The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize for 2010

  • Professor Kari Alitalo, University of Helsinki - for his research on the formation and development of lymphatic vessels in health and disease.

The Young Scientist Prize for 2010

  • Professor Robert Fenton, University of Aarhus - for his research on kidney function, and
  • Professor Mikko Niemi, University of Helsinki - for his contributions in the field of genetic variations in drug metabolism.

Prize winners between 1960 and 2009

You'll find a list over prize winners between 1960 and 2009 by following this link (only in norwegian)

Published May 8, 2018 10:51 AM - Last modified Feb. 18, 2024 6:13 AM