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Good capacity in UiO´s reading rooms

Social distancing of 1 metre is back, there are further restrictions on events, but our reading rooms have good capacity, and exams will be held as planned until Christmas.

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The reading rooms at the University of Oslo are kept open, but capacity is halved in order to maintain the necessary social distancing. Photo: UiO/Jarli&Jordan

The government has introduced additional Covid-19 measures effective from midnight between Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 December 2021. The measures are valid for four weeks but will be reconsidered in 14 days.

Face masks, social distancing, close contacts 

The government recommends a social distancing of 1 metre, that you consider how many close contacts you have in total, and that you wear a face mask when it is not possible to uphold a distance of 1 metre.

Units must consider whether to recommend face masks where it is not possible to maintain adequate social distancing.

Studies and exams

The government recommends that universities, colleges and vocational colleges introduce teaching in smaller groups and more digital teaching as soon as possible. Students who are dependent on conducting experiments in laboratories or skills training should be given priority for physical teaching.

Universities, colleges and vocational colleges should facilitate exams and compulsory courses, either digital or physical, where good infection control is possible.

The reading rooms at the University of Oslo are kept open, but capacity is halved in order to maintain the necessary social distancing. The capacity is still good. Lectures and other forms of teaching have more or less been completed by now.

– We are happy that students and staff are taken care of in this situation so that they can study and sit their exams. It is good that we can keep our reading rooms open and that we are given the responsibility to assess teaching and exams, says Rector Svein Stølen.

UiO has retained infection control measures in the examination rooms in Silurveien as we have throughout the pandemic. Only half of the seats in the halls are used, and there is a distance of at least 1 metre between the candidates during the exam. Self-registration for the exam (in cases of illness) has been introduced.

– A large proportion of our exams are digital, but some will take place physically. It is not possible to make all exams digital in a sound way this quickly. The students will be kept updated by their respective study programs, says Stølen. 

Working from home

The government has ordered employers to facilitate for working from home where possible without compromising services that are important and necessary for the business and that require physical presence.

It is for the individual manager in dialogue with the employee to assess physical presence v. home office. Please refer to UiO´s guidelines for remote work.

UiO also has information regarding flexible work hours for staff who need to be physically present in the workplace

Events and the serving of alcohol

There are changes related to the number of people who can be present and rules for serving alcohol.  

The units must facilitate so that any potential events and Christmas parties are in line with the infection control rules. UiO unfortunately has to cancel the Advent concert.

Please refer here for more information

Pubs and student cellars must adhere to regulation applying in Oslo Municipality

Published Dec. 8, 2021 11:48 AM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2024 10:51 AM