Internet and telephone

The Norwegian society is highly digitized, with a fast and reliable internet network accessible even in remote places. Private and public services like banking or welfare are mainly accessed online, and 89% of the population own a smartphone. Free WiFi is available in most cafes and libraries, but will normally require a password.  

Image may contain: Gesture, Gadget, Cosmetics, Collar, Thumb.

Wireless network (WiFi) at the University of Oslo

If you are a guest at the University of Oslo, you can access the university wireless network (WiFi) via the eduroam network. Please visit the UiO's IT service pages for information about how to connect to eduroam.

Internet and telephone at the University of Oslo

If you have access to an office at UiO, it will normally be equipped with a PC and a telephone. The IT services will provide you with a permanent or temporary username and password to access the UiO infrastructure.

Internet connection at home

Most apartments in Oslo have internet connection included in the rent, but there may be exceptions. We advise you to check accessability of internet with the landlord before signing the contract. 

Mobile phone subscription

There are several companies offering Norwegian sim-card and subscriptions with a wide variation in offers, price range and contract lenghts. We advise you to check several companies before signing a contract. A tip is to ask your colleagues at work which company they use. All companies require a Norwegian ID-number or D-number for a subscribtion, but a few offer prepaid cash cards for those who have not received their ID-number yet.

ISMO's services

We offer advice on all questions related to Norwegian internet and telephone services.

Contact us

Published Jan. 4, 2018 3:20 PM - Last modified Feb. 17, 2022 5:00 PM