Permissions to respond to form

Describing the various options under the "Permissions-flap” for a form in Nettskjema.

Who may answer?

Everybody: The form will be open to all. Anyone who has the link (URL) of the form can click into the page with the form (without authorization) and submit an answer. The URL must be published at an appropriate location (such as a link on a website or sending it by Email). Please note that you must distribute the link to those who should respond.

UiO and Feide users: Anyone who logs in with a username and password from the University of Oslo or a Feide institution authorized to use Nettskjema, can submit an answer. This is hence a form that requires authorization. Schema URL must be published in an appropriate manner.

Only invited: Only users who have received an invitation by e-mail (invited from "collect responses > Invitations" in Nettskjema) can submit an answer.

ID-porten: It is possible to order login via ID porten for a specific Nettskjema. This provides a secure identification of the respondent. If personal information is stored with submissions to the form then Norwegian national identity number are supplied with the answer as an identifier, which may be relevant when collecting sensitive personal data for research purposes (Learn more about secure Nettskjema and sensitive data). Contact if required

Access to edit the form

If more people should be able to edit the form add UiO username / or respective group to the fields (separated by commas). For FEIDE users the username should include an @ (i.e. Contact your local IT if you need to create groups (netgroups). Those who are given editing rights are assigned all rights to the form, including access to data (answers) associated with the form

Access to copy the form 

If it is needed for more people to be able to copy the form, add their UiO username / group to fields (separated by commas). Those who are given the right to copy a form can then only copy the form itself, but not its data / answers.

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Published Feb. 29, 2016 11:11 AM - Last modified Feb. 13, 2018 10:33 AM