Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of the most frequently asked questions we receive about NVivo with our answer to each of them.

Why can’t I use NVivo for Mac?

NVivo is optimized for Windows and there are several issues with the Mac version. Mac users can use NVivo for Windows in UiO Programkiosk with VMware downloaded and installed. Since NVivo is a fairly large application, using the web version of VMware to access it, will cause NVivo to crash. Follow the instructions to download and install VMware here
Be sure you select a version of VMware that is compatible with your Mac.

Why can’t I use the web version of UiO Programkiosk to work with NVivo?

NVivo is a fairly large application. Using the web version of VMware to access it in UiO Programkiosk, will cause NVivo to crash. Follow the instructions to download and install VMware for UiO Programkiosk here.
Be sure you select a version of VMware that is compatible with your computer.

Why can’t I store my NVivo project files in OneDrive, iCloud, or Dropbox?

To avoid synching issues and losing data through application crashes and file corruption, save your NVivo project file on a local drive and not in a cloud service. At least move your NVivo project file to your local drive when you will be working on it in NVivo. This only pertains to the project file, not the other files you import to your NVivo project file. Learn more here.

Why can’t I find my files in NVivo when I’m working with it in UiO Programkiosk?

UiO Programkiosk gives you access to your UiO home directory (UiO M:-drive). You can also set up access to your documents and OneDrive in UiO Program kiosk. You may also see here on how to add access to your local storage to VMware here.

I have downloaded the zipped file, but can’t find the files to import?

You need to select to unpack the zipped file for NVivo to be able to find the individual files to import. Click to extract the files and move the folder with the files to a place where you can easily find them.

Where do I find the license key number?

If you download and install NVivo to your personal computer from, you will find the license key number on the download page. If you install NVivo from Software center or use NVivo in Educloud, you do not need the license key number. The license key on will only work with the NVivo version UiO has a paid license for. UiO currently has the license for NVivo 14 (the version after R1). See details here.

I can’t log in to NVivo?

NVivo login is for additional services not included in the NVivo desktop application UiO pays for, such as NVivo Collaboration Cloud and NVivo Transcription (an automated, cloud-based transcription service). You do not need to log in to NVivo when using the desktop application.

Can I share my NVivo project file and collaborate on coding?

Yes, you can share your project file and collaborate on the coding, but only one person can work on the project file at a time, and at that time, the project file must be stored on a local drive and not in a cloud service. NVivo Collaboration Cloud is not covered by UiO’s NVivo license.

Can I use NVivo’s transcription tools?

You can manually transcribe audio and video files in NVivo, but NVivo’s automatic transcription tool (NVivo Transcription) is an additional, cloud-based service not included under the desktop license UiO pays for. Instead, you can use UiO’s automatic transcription tool Autotekst to transcribe audio and video files. Transcripts can then be uploaded to NVivo for coding. You will log in with Feide to use Autotekst, access it here. Read more about working with Audio and video transcripts in NVivo here.

Do you have other questions?

Published Nov. 28, 2023 8:56 PM - Last modified Mar. 16, 2024 9:20 AM