Why choose this programme option?

This programme option has from the academic year 2023/2024 been replaced by the programme option Earth’s Structures and Planetary Processes.

For all fields of study, see Geosciences (master's two years).

This programme option covers the petrological, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the Earth. The focus is on the evolution of the solid Earths materials through the plate tectonic cycle.

Central topics will include:

  • Rock-forming processes in metamorphic and magmatic systems, fluid-rock interactions, geochronology, processes controlling the distribution of trace element and isotopes in a variety of geological systems.
  • Geochemical differentiation of the Earth crust and its implications for mineralization processes and the formation of mineral resources.

The methods used include a variety of analytical techniques to characterize the composition and structure of Earth’s materials, including rocks and minerals, but also the pore space and associated fluids. Experiments, and/or numerical techniques may be applied to study the coupling between mineral reactions, transport processes and deformation of the Earth’s crust and mantle.

You can select your area of focus when you choose which subjects to include in your degree.

Most of our students have a background in geosciences, but students with a background in chemistry or physics are also welcome to apply for admission to this programme option.

This study provides a solid basis if you want to study towards a PhD.

Published Jan. 23, 2017 3:34 PM - Last modified Sep. 30, 2022 4:31 PM