Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions regarding the Honours Certificate in Education for Sustainable Health. If you cannot find the answer to your questions here or in the information provided on the certificate website, please contact


Can I apply if I am in the second year of my main Master's programme?

No. This certificate runs parallel with your main Master's programme, and thus you need to apply in your first or second semester (depending on whether you started your studies in the fall or spring semester). Please see the admission page for specified information about time of application.

Can I apply if I am a student in a 5 year integrated Master's programme or a programme of professional study at the University of Oslo?

Yes. But there are restrictions related to when in the course of study you can apply. Please see the admission page for specified information about time of application.

Can I apply if I am a master's student at another higher education institution than the University of Oslo?

No. This certificate is only open to students admitted to a Master's programme, 5 year integrated Master's programme or programme of professional study at the University of Oslo.

Can I apply if I am finished with my Master's degree?

No. This certificate is only open to students currently admitted to a Master's programme, 5 year integrated Master's programme or programme of professional study at the University of Oslo.

Can students from all backgrounds apply?

Yes, we accept applications from students from all fields of study.

Where do I apply?

You apply for admission via the application portal Søknadsweb. When the application protal is open, you will find a link to Søknadsweb on the admission page.

Can I write the motivational letter in Norwegian? 

Yes. You can write your motivational letter in Norwegian or English.

Are there quotas based on applicants' faculty affiliation or academic background in this admission? 

No. Qualified applicants will compete for a study place based on their ranking. Please see the admission page.

Teaching and examination

How is the teaching organized?

The teaching will be organized weekly throughout the semester (one day) with lectures, seminars and student-led group work. Classes will mainly be held in the afternoon between 16:00 to 18:00.
(with reservation). Course descriptions with additional details will be published.

What are the exam forms?

There will be both oral and written examinations.
(with reservation). Course descriptions with additional details will be published.

Published Oct. 26, 2023 5:45 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2023 1:57 PM