
Cancel your student housing

Housing for returning students

If you plan on moving out of your room for fieldwork but will be returning, you must do the following:

  1. Cancel your tenancy contract and remember that you need to give either 2 or 3 months notice, depending on your type of housing.
    • Do not get your housing deposit back. Wait until you leave Norway permanently.
  2. Apply through the SiO website for a room.
    • NB! mark your application with Quota student.
  3. Send an email to int-advisor@admin.uio.no  and inform that you are a returning Quota student and need housing, state the approximate date of arrival in Norway
  4. The deadline for the housing application AND notification of your return by email is 1 June for the autumn semester and 1 November for the spring semester. 

Please note that:

  • If your fieldwork is less than 3 months you should consider keeping your room for the period you are away. 
Published May 27, 2015 1:37 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2017 10:18 AM