Passing on the Baton

The former director of the ISS, Nita Kapoor, welcomes the new director, Anne Cathrine Uteng da Silva, as both digital and in-person courses begin for the summer 2022 students.

The former director at ISS Nita Kapoor and the new director at ISS Anne Cathrine Uteng da Silva outside the University of Oslo.

The former director at ISS, Nita Kapoor, and the new director at ISS, Anne Cathrine Uteng da Silva (on the right), are welcoming the international students to the University of Oslo. (Photo: Sissel Drevsjø /UiO)

Step by step, or director by director: We move through changing times, holding on to the ideals of international goodwill by promoting academic achievement through international learning and cross-border friendship. Humanistic and social values have been rooted at the heart of the International Summer School ever since its foundation in 1947, standing the test of time.

The leadership baton was passed on in May. As the present and the former director, we both were humbly reminded that in leading such a wonderful institution as the ISS, we are just instruments for the larger cause. The ISS has brought thousands of students, faculty and staff members, donors and partners together through the years. Each of whom are building blocks in a diverse learning community. Coming together to study, interact, increase understanding and thus grow – both individually and collectively.

Half of the previous directorship was affected by a global pandemic, which challenged our institution, as well as many others. It  tested the ISS’ resilience and ability to innovate. Our resolution to continue digitally through these times of adversity has proven to make our community stronger. We are grateful to know that during the past two years, thousands of students from almost 100 countries have defied hardships and time zones to pursue studies at the ISS. As we stayed with our students, they have stayed with us.

Through the past years, we were also happy to see that ISS continued to develop our pedagogy, fortify our Norwegian language training and develop the ISS course catalogue, uphold and strengthen our scholarship policy, enhance international networks and celebrate 75 years of history. This is just to mention a few of the results which our small, but dedicated faculty and staff, have managed to achieve.  

It will be a pleasure for the new ISS director to lead the institution forward through post-pandemic recovery. We have recently completed the Spring semester and are at the threshold of an intensive and active summer school. Now we look forward to bringing back more classroom-based teaching in combination with digital courses.

Very soon, we will be welcoming 550 students to the 76th session of the ISS, more than half of whom will be taking Norwegian language courses physically at Blindern campus in Oslo, while others join our community for online studies. We are putting together both an academic and social program, digitally as well as in-person, which will hopefully be appreciated by our students this year as in previous years. 

Welcome to the International Summer School 2022!

Tags: Nita Kapoor, Anne Cathrine Uteng da Silva, ISS, the International Summer School, the University of Oslo, international students, summer university, summer courses By Nita Kapoor, Anne Cathrine Uteng da Silva
Published June 20, 2022 10:40 AM - Last modified July 27, 2022 1:48 PM