Organizes Norwegian course for refugees

International Summer School initiates Norwegian courses for newly arrived refugees.

Students at Blindern in Oslo. Photo: UiO.

A digital Norwegian course for refugees starts in July.

For the first time at the University of Oslo there will be a digital Norwegian course for refugees, organized by the International Summer School. In-person classes will be held at Blindern campus from September.

No previous knowledge of Norwegian is required. However, in order to benefit from the classes, participants must have substantial knowledge of spoken and written English.

The Norwegian course for refugees is based on dialogs, focusing on the use of spoken Norwegian in everyday life. During the course, they will practice common situations and use the language actively from the very first session. The focus is on spoken Norwegian. They will also practice pronunciation, intonation and accentuation as part of the feedback process.

These Norwegian courses do not have exams or provide university credits. Courses are provided on level 1 to level 3. The courses can be taken either in-person or as digital courses.

More info about Norwegian course for refugees.

Tags: norskkurs, flyktninger, Ukraina-krig, Norwegian course By UiO
Published July 8, 2022 1:31 PM - Last modified Oct. 21, 2022 1:39 PM