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Graybosch, Anthony J.: ”Bootlegs: Intellectual Property and Popular Culture” , 2001. Journal of Information Ethics 10(1), 35-50 . 15 s..

Jones, Steve : “Music and the Internet” , 2000. Popular Music 19(2), 217-230 . 13 s..

Jones, Steve : ”Music that moves: Popular Music, Distribution and Network Technologies”, 2002. Cultural Studies 16(2), 213-232 . 19 s..

Katyal, Sonia K.: “The New Surveillance”, 2004. Case Western Reserve Law Review. 54(2), 297-385 . 88 s..

Landes, William and Douglas Lichtman : “Indirect Liability for Copyright Infringement: Napster and Beyond” , 2003. Journal of Economic Perspectives 17(2), 113-124 . 11 s..

Oram, Andy (ed.) : Peer-to-peer. Harnessing the Benefits of a Disruptive Technology., 2001. Sebastopol: O’Reilly . (Part I, s 3-63) 60 s..

Taylor, Bryan et al : ”New Media and the Circuit of Cyber-Culture: Conceptualizing Napster”, 2002. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 46(4), 607-629 . 22 s..

Vaidhyanathan, Said : The Anarchist in the Library: How the Clash Between Freedom and Control is Hacking the Real World and Crashing the System., 2004. New York: Basic Books . 253 s..

Publisert 7. mars 2005 00:50