Exam paper 2016

On our syllabus we have texts with different theoretical positions (e.g. structural and discursive) and institutional perspectives (e.g. legal, organizational and state) on gender (in)equality and the authors use different concepts when theorizing gender (in)equality, for instance power, oppression, patriarchy, discrimination, distribution, representation, etc.  

Select one of the following assignments (no. 1 or 2):

  1. Gender (in)equality and institutions:
    In our society different institutions regulate the rights and duties of the citizens, for instance in relation to gender (in)equality. Discuss how at least one institution (or different institutions) is theorized as gender (in)equal and discuss how various equality strategies might change the status quo. Use at least four texts in your discussion. You might use empirical examples from the syllabus to illustrate your arguments.



  2. Gender (in)equality and difference:
    One major challenge to gender equality is differences between women and between men, such as class, race, and sexualities. Discuss how differences within gendered categories might challenge gender equality and discuss how an intersectional approach to gender equality might transgress these challenges. Use at least four texts in your discussion. You might use equality strategies or empirical examples from the syllabus to illustrate your arguments.


The exam will consist of: A three day take-home exam on a given topic.  The assignment must have a length of 10 pages, (2300 characters per page total 23000 +/- 10% (not counting spaces) references and front page in addition).  Font point 12, spaced 1,5.

Cover page: http://www.stk.uio.no/studier/oppgavemaler-eksamen/

Published Nov. 21, 2016 8:35 AM - Last modified Nov. 21, 2016 8:36 AM