Previous exam papers for JUR1910 and JUS5910 - Woman's Law and Human Rights

This course changed course code from JUR5910 to JUS5910 spring 2012. The change resulted in a reduction in credits from 15 to 10, but the learning requirements remained the same.

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Spring 2013

Violence against women as a form of discrimination

Describe how the CEDAW Committee through its jurisprudence (general recommendations, concluding comments and individual communications etc.) has developed the state-obligation to protect women against violence as a form of discrimination.  With reference to cases that have come before the Committee, describe the content of the due diligence standard in relation to state and non-state actors. What types of remedies has the Committee provided in cases where it has found violations of the due diligence standard? In what way has the Committee’s jurisprudence in this area contributed to the development of international law?

Spring 2012

JUR1910 (BA)

Give an account of the protection against direct and indirect discrimination in article 1and article 5 a of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Use women's rights to access and own land without discrimination as examples of how direct and indirect discrimination occur in practice and how states must act to fulfill their obligations in this field.

JUS5910 (MA)

Give an account of the right to reproductive choice embedded in article 12.1 and 16 (e) of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and other relevant international and regional instruments. Present and discuss international and national court cases where the right to reproductive choice come into conflict with the right to freedom of religion in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) article 18.3, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms article 9.2.

Previous exam papers for JUR1910 and JUR5910

Spring 2011

English text

Women’s protection against gender violence under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Give an interpretation of the concept of non-discrimination under article 1 and article 5 a  with focus on violence against women. Make use of sources like the CEDAW Committee’s general recommendations, concluding comments to state reports and rulings in individual communications concerning gender violence. By means of examples from one or several countries show how the convention is used to strengthen women’s protection against gender violence under national law.

Norsk tekst

Kvinners beskyttelse mot vold etter FNs konvensjon om eliminering av alle former for diskriminering av kvinner( KDK). Gi en fortolkning av ikke- diskriminerings prinsippet etter artikkel 1 og artikkel 5 a. Bruk kilder som kvinnekomiteens generelle anbefalinger, konkluderende kommentarer til statsrapporter og avgjørelser i individklagesaker som gjelder vold mot kvinner.  Vis eksempler på bruk av konvensjonen i nasjonal rett. Gjennom eksempler fra et eller flere land, vis hvordan konvensjonen brukes for å styrke kvinners beskyttelse mot kjønnsrelatert vold i nasjonal rett.

Spring 2010

The need to move beyond mere formal equality in state legislation has
been a central theme in human rights analyses over the last decades.
Women’s rights analyses have identified a range of factors which must be
considered and addressed in order to promote substantive equality. Two
such factors are: the impact of religious, customary and other non-state
norms; and the role played by non-state actors in women’s lives.

Describe and discuss how these factors are dealt with in UN human rights
law, in particular the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the work of the CEDAW Committee.
Focus your discussion on the field of the right to health, including
violence against women and reproductive rights. Present examples (case law
or other practical examples) of situations where women’s human right to
health is influenced by non-state norms and non-state actors, and discuss
possible measures and challenges for state action to ensure the
realization of women’s rights in this field.

Spring 2009

Give account of the relationship between structural, direct and indirect discrimination. Illustrate with examples from one or some of the following areas: the workplace, violence, health, access to land, water and food.

Autumn 2008

English text:
Give account of the concept of direct and indirect discrimination in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, other human rights conventions and the EC Directive on Equal Treatment in Employment and Occupation with reference to general recommendations and case law. Use examples to illustrate the protection against direct and indirect discrimination in relation to employment, health rights, land and water rights.

Norsk tekst:
Redegjør for begrepene direkte og indirekte diskriminering i FNs kvinnekonvensjon, andre menneskerettighetskonvensjoner og EF rettens diskrimineringsforbud med henvisning til kilder som rettspraksis og generelle rekommandasjoner. Illustrer med vernet mot direkte og indirekte diskriminering gjennom eksempler som retten til helse, retten til arbeid, land og vann.

Spring 2008

English text
Give account of the right to reproductive choice embedded in article 12.1 and 16 (e) of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and other relevant international and regional instruments. Discuss how the right to freedom of reproductive choice should be balanced against the right to freedom of religion with reference to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCP) article 18.3 and The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms article 9.2. Make use of international case law or other practical examples.

Norwegian text
Gi en framstilling av retten til reproduktivt valg etter artikkel 12.1 og 16 (e) I FNs kvinnekonvensjon (KK) og andre relevante internasjonale instrumenter. Diskuter avveiningen mellom retten til reproduktiv frihet og retten til trosfrihet etter konvensjonen om sivile og politiske rettigheter (SPR) artikkel 18.3 og den Europeiske menneskerettighetskonvensjon (EMK) artikkel 9.2. Bruke eksempler fra internasjonal rettspraksis eller andre praktiske eksempler.
Autumn 2007

Give account of the general prohibition against direct and indirect discrimination in article 1 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). What implications does the prohibition against discrimination on the basis of sex have for women’s right to health embedded in article 12,1 of CEDAW.

Spring 2007

English text:

Give account of the concept of direct and indirect discrimination in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, other human rights conventions and the EC Council Directive. Equal Treatment in Employment and Occupation with reference to general recommendations and case law. Use examples to illustrate the protection against direct and indirect discrimination in relation to employment, health rights, land and water rights.

Norsk tekst:

Redegjør for begrepene direkte og indirekte diskriminering I FNs kvinnekonvensjon, andre menneskerettighetskonvensjoner og EF rettens diskrimineringsforbud med henvisning til kilder som rettspraksis og generelle rekommandasjoner. Illustrer vernet mot direkte og indirekte diskriminering gjennom eksempler som retten til helse, retten til arbeid, land og vann.

Autumn 2006

Published June 7, 2013 9:46 AM - Last modified July 18, 2023 1:13 PM