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Mobile Phones and Tablets

Both Android, and iOS/iPadOS are supported mobile platforms at UiO. All platforms are subjected to mandatory management if issued by UiO. This is to ensure data and device security, but also to streamline and ease the setup and configuration of the device. In addition to personal mobile setups, we can provide customised non-personal setups for iPads used for information collection in research and studies, or  "Kiosk Mode" for single app use-cases. 
Contact us for more info

Mobile devices that are not running Android or Apples OS´s, like the reMarkable tablet, or Chromebooks are not currently supported at UiO

Getting started

Mobile devices at UiO

IT Support

Contact UiO IT-Support for help and assistance  with your mobile device, or UiO services.


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Apple support

UiO has support agreement with Apple which enables students and staff to get support with all and any issue related to your Apple device.

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