Learning outcomes

The programme option provides the candidate with:


  • Advanced knowledge of topics, methods and theories within the study of Chinese culture, history, society and politics.
  • Specialized insight into one or more topics (e.g. history, modernity, political institutions and developments, rule of law, culture, social and ethnic relations, gender, literature, language, religion, education, philosophy, media, and environment) in China studies.
  • Thorough knowledge of key methods and one or more major scholarly theories and theoretical debates pertaining to the analysis of Chinese culture and society.
  • The ability to explore new areas and topics within the study Chinese society and culture, search for and find relevant sources, and analyze them within the tradition of China studies and with the aid of relevant methodology.


  • The ability to analyze existing theories, methods and interpretations in China studies, to critically assess existing research on China, and to work independently with empirical and theoretical questions.
  • The ability to analyze academic problems in the study of contemporary society, culture and politics as well as in the study of China’s tradition, ideas and history, including China’s historical and current global encounters.
  • The ability to apply relevant theoretical perspectives and research methodologies of fieldwork and textual analysis in the context of China studies.
  • The ability to present relevant academic theories and findings to academic and non-academic audiences.
  • The ability to develop a research project on Chinese culture, history, society and politics, including formulation of research questions, presentation of methodology (with ethical considerations), and introduction to relevant theories to be employed.
  • Advanced command of the Chinese language used in various genres and in different types of sources for the study of Chinese culture and society.

General competence

  • The ability to analyze problems of academic, professional and research ethical nature encountered in various fields of work relevant to the study of Chinese culture and society.
  • The ability to work both individually and in groups with texts, participatory observation/fieldwork, presentations and/or development of projects, while applying the knowledge and skills acquired in China studies.
  • Competence in presenting academic research on China both to specialists and to a broader non-academic public using appropriate language and terminology.
  • The ability to further develop aspects of China studies based on acquired theoretical and empirical insights.
Published June 27, 2018 2:28 PM - Last modified Sep. 27, 2023 9:30 AM