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Published May 27, 2022 12:54 PM

​«Pillar of Shame», minnesmerket etter studentprotestene i Kina og massakren på Den himmelske freds plass, avdukes i Universitetshagen 25. mai. I dette seminaret vil øyevitner fortelle om hva som skjedde den gang, men også stille spørsmål om hva det forteller oss om Kina og verden i dag. Arrangement vil avsluttes med en tur ut i Universitetshagen for å se minnesmerket på nært hold. 

Se utfyllende informasjon her

Published Feb. 22, 2022 11:30 AM

The Arne Næss Programme at Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo, has the pleasure to announce three Arne Næss stipends for master students who work on philosophical, ethical and legal dimensions of socio-environmental challenges of our time. Application deadline 4 March 2022

Published Jan. 10, 2022 1:26 PM

Asian lives, stories and perspectives have global implications. This year’s Asianet Conference takes a bottom-up perspective, situating the local Asian daily life in the wider global context.

The conference solicits perspectives that are sensitised to the local and contextual, but at the same time considers what this means in a new globalised context. The aim is to get a view at what is happening on the ground in Asia; to understand the role of local knowledges and understandings in Asian worldviews, and how these interact and interrelate with global knowledge circulations, value chains and trade networks. This conference highlights fragmentation and coming together in ongoing negotiations, relations, combinations, and enmeshments that constantly destabilise, reproduce, and reshape worlds. Fragmentation is a productive perspective that allows us to discuss how new things come together: some relations are silenced, or backgrounded, some are foregrounded.

Published Feb. 1, 2021 12:25 PM

Norsk-kinesisk statsstipend er en bilateral stipendordning mellom Norge og Kina, og er basert på en kulturavtale mellom landene som ble inngått i 1963. Formålet med stipendene er å bidra til kvalitet i utdanning og forskning gjennom å etablere og utvide den akademiske og kulturelle kontakten mellom norske og kinesiske enkeltpersoner og forsknings- og utdanningsinstitusjoner.

Stipendordningen har årlig utlysning, og støtter opphold i Kina for norske studenter og opphold i Norge for kinesiske PhD-stipendiater og forskere. Utlysningene for høst 2021/vår 2022 er nå publisert:

Stipendmidler for norske studenter:

  • Norske søkere kan søke om stipend for utveksling eller for å ta en hel grad i Kina. Ordningen kan kun gi støtte til CSC-godkjente institusjoner, som det finnes enoversikt over på CSC sine nettsider <>...
Published Jan. 6, 2021 8:42 AM

The "Nordic Korean Studies Days" will start soon as an online course.

The 12-week course (5cr) is co-organized by the Korean / East Asian Studies units of Nordic Universities and covers different disciplines such as history, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology and political science. In 2021, the Centre of East Asian Studies of the University of Turku is hosting the online course. (

The 2021 course includes a great variety of topics such as The Making and Remaking Silla Origins, "Red feminism" and Social and political radicalism during the colonial Era, Socio-cultural monuments, moments and movements in South Korea (1950-1980), Contemporary Literature, The depiction of Single Mothers in South Korean Literature, Film and TV-dramas, inter-Korean relation...

Published Nov. 2, 2020 10:40 AM

Vi ønsker å komme i kontakt med noen som innehar språkkompetanse kinesisk-mandarin, som er interessert i å jobbe på dagtid i skole. Vi trenger tolke- og assistent-oppdrag i undervisning. I utgangspunktet vil det da dreie seg om dagtid 0830-1430 hverdager, men det vil være stor mulighet for å dele opp arbeidet i ulike tider og dager, slik at det kan kombineres med andre jobber og studier.

Om du er interessert eller kjenner noen som er interessert, så ta kontakt med Lars André på Uranienborg. Tlf: 95731027/e-post:

Published Oct. 30, 2020 1:19 PM

Kjære studenter,

Jeg skal ansette en forskningsassistent som betales på timebasis. Oppgavene består i praktisk tilrettelegging for seminarer på Zoom, kontakt med eksterne innledere basert utenfor Norge, oppdatere nettsider, enkel webdesign i Squarespace, kommunikasjon i sosiale medier, skanning av bøker, legge inn referanser i EndNote (inkludert fra kinesiske kilder) og administrative oppgaver.

Studenter på BA- og MA-nivå kan søke. Du må være student på Kinastudier fram til og med vårsemesteret 2022 eller lenger, dvs gå første eller andre år på BA eller første år på MA-programmet. Dersom du har planlagt utvekslingsopphold til Kina i denne perioden, kan du likevel søke (du vil ikke kunne gjøre jobben fra Kina, men jeg kan finne en erstatning). Kontorplass på gruppekontor, men for tiden hjemmekontor.

Assistenten vil jobbe for Hei...

Published Sep. 16, 2020 1:34 PM

Are you writing your MA thesis in the spring of 2021? Are you looking for inspiration, materials or a space for concentrating on your writing? Then apply for the NIAS SUPRA Nordic Scholarship!

The Nordic Scholarship covers inexpensive travel to Copenhagen, board and accommodation plus a working place at NIAS! A perfect chance to focus on your thesis, have inspirational talks with our researchers or collect material from our library resources.

Master Students: Apply for a stay of two weeks. Please specify your preferred dates in the application. Stays are available between 1 February and the end of June 2021.

More information and application form can be found here. <>

Deadline for applications is 15 October 2020.

Published Aug. 14, 2020 1:33 PM

Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (OSEH) is an initiative to strengthen research and teaching that engages with the current climatic and environmental crisis from interdisciplinary perspectives.

Presenting our new Honours Certificate in Environmental Humanities and Sciences ( The certificate is open to all master students admitted to the University of Oslo in the fall semester of 2020 and runs parallel with your main Master's program. It provides a unique opportunity to achieve interdisciplinary competence within the field of Environmental studies. If you are a highly motivated student with a large capacity and an interest for questions related to climate change and the environment - this is the study for you!

If you want more information, please register for our online information meeting on 23rd of September at 14:00 (...

Published Mar. 3, 2020 2:38 PM

Writing papers can be fun! At Writers' Night you will get inspiration for every part of the writing process. There is something for everyone; a writing cafe if you want to work on a paper, workshops with practical tips, and lectures that can help you write better - no matter what you are studying.

Published Feb. 10, 2020 9:59 AM

Bryan W. Van Norden raises the question: What can we learn from Chinese philosophy? Norden is James Monroe Taylor Chair in Philosophy at Vassar College (USA), and Chair Professor in the School of Philosophy at Wuhan University (China).

More information:

We have invited him to the University of Oslo on the following day, Wednesday 26 February at 09.15, not to give a talk, but to chat with us about matters related to Chinese philosophy. If you are interested, please feel free to come to seminarrom 14 in P. A. Munchs hus and take part in the discussion (or just watch it from a distance, if that is your preference). In contrast to the Interkulturelt Museum event, no Chinese (or other) delicacies will be served during this event.

Published Jan. 3, 2020 1:22 PM

Diku har lyst ut statsstipend til Kina. Stipendet er for de som ønsker å studere eller forske i Kina, og er åpent for alle fagfelt – også kinesiskstudier.

Stipendene har søknadsfrist 10 februar.

Se Dikus nettsider for mer detaljer.