
Key facts for this certificate

  • Application portal opens: 15 September
  • Application deadline: 15 October
  • Start of studies: January

Available places


Admission requirements

Admission to the Honours Life Science Innovation certificate certificate requires: 

  • Current admission to a master's programme, 5 year integrated master's programme or programme of professional study at the University of Oslo
  • You must have a minimum grade average comparable to a Norwegian C in the required specialization. A Norwegian C is described as a good grade, generally comparable to an American B and a Secon Class Upper in the British system. We do not use conversion tables for foreign grades. All foreign education is individually evaluated during the admission process.
  • A language requirement documented by one of the tests/exams below:
    1. Passed examination in English foundation course (140 hours/5 periods per week) with a minimum grade of 4 in Norwegian upper secondary school (or an equivalent grade from a Nordic upper secondary school) or passed examination in English from second and/or third school year in Norwegian upper secondary school, or
    2. An internationally recognized English language proficiency test.

Please note that eligible applicants who fulfill the minimum grade requirement will compete for a study place. Please see the section on ranking for more information on selection criteria. 

Time of application 

The Honours certificate runs in parallel with your main master's programme, and thus we only accept applications from students in the following semesters: 

Students admitted to a master's programme (1 1/2 years):

  • Studens can apply in their 1st semester

Students admitted to a master's programme (2 years):

  • For master’s programmes starting in the autumn semester: students can apply in their 1st semester

  • For master’s programmes starting in the spring semester: students can apply in their 2nd semester

Students admitted to an integrated master's programme (5 years) or programmes of professional studies (5-6 years):

  • For programmes starting in the autumn semester: students can apply in their 7th semester

  • For programmes starting in the spring semester: students can apply in their 8th semester


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All documentation must be submitted within the application deadline. 

Motivational letter

You must upload a 1 page motivational letter where you discuss your interest in life science innovation. Please address the following questions:

  • What is your motivation to study for this honours certificate?
  • What to expect to learn?
  • How can your discipline contribute to innovation within the life sciences?

Ranking of applicants

Qualified applicants are ranked by individual evaluations

In these evaluations both a grade point average, institutional affiliation and a letter of motivation are taken into consideration.

The grade point average is determined by at least 80 ECTS credits within the specialization required for admission to your main master's programme.

For students in integrated master's programmes and programmes of professional studies, the grade point average will be determined by at least 80 ECTS credits with best results in courses from the first three years of study considered most relevant to the Honours certificate. At least 20 ECTS credits must be on an advanced bachelor's level (2000- or 3000-level at UiO). 

In this process, letter grades are translated to numbers so that A, B, C, D and E correspond to 5.0, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0 and 1.0, respectively.

In order to secure a diverse and interdisciplinary student group, which is essential to the learning outcome of the Honours certificate, the best candidate from any individual Department or Institute will receive a bonus of +0.50 on the top of the calculated grade point average. The second best candidate will in a similar way receive a bonus of +0.25.

Based on their ranking, including bonus grades when earned, qualified applicants will compete for the 25 available places. The top 20 candidates will be automatically admitted, for candidates with rank 21-30 the content of the motivation letter will be taken into account and give an additional, subjectively evaluated bonus in the range from 0.00 to +0.30.