Lecture: Dan Overholt: Hyperinstruments

Abstract: This talk presents one approach to the art and technology of performing music with digital computers - designing, implementing, evaluating, and iteratively developing new interfaces for the real-time expressive control of digital signal processing algorithms. The discussion will include presentations of my own musical instruments, the exploration of new performance techniques they bring about, and the musical and technological lessons learned during an evolutionary journey into a modern perspective on one of mankind"s oldest forms of art.

Bio: Dan Overholt is an Associate Professor of Medialogy at Aalborg University, Denmark. He recently completed his Ph.D. in the Media Arts and Technology (MAT) program and the Center for Research in Electronic Art Technology (CREATE) at UC Santa Barbara. He studied electronics engineering and music (violin performance) at CSU, Chico, and has a Masters from the Media Laboratory at MIT, where his thesis focused on the development of a novel musical interface called the MATRIX. He has presented his work at many academic conferences, such as ICMC, NIME, AES, CHI, and SIGGRAPH, and was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to STEIM in 2004, and a National Science Foundation IGERT fellowship at UCSB. He composes and performs with new human-computer interfaces and musical signal processing algorithms, and gives workshops in interaction design for new performance interfaces and interactive installations at a variety of institutions with the CREATE USB Interface. He has also worked as a consultant in the industry for companies such as Eventide, E-mu, and Echo Audio

Tags: nime
Published June 16, 2019 10:11 PM - Last modified June 16, 2019 10:11 PM