Semester page for JUR1240 - Autumn 2014

Joint teaching

This course has jointly taught classes with JUS5240 – Comparative Private Law (discontinued). See this course's semester page for schedule and messages.

Cand 7294-7313 Dag Bayegan-Harlem email; within a week, cand 7314-7345 Andreas Galtung tlf 91663320 at 10-12 o'clock Thursday and Friday, cand 7346-7361 Mads Andenæs tlf 22859382

Dec. 17, 2014 1:18 PM

The prof. is still ill, and will unfortunately not be able to hold the lecture 29 August.A new  date will be found and posted on the message board  as soon as possible, to replace the  seminar .


Aug. 28, 2014 1:07 PM

We regret to inform you that part 1 of the seminar for law  students 27 August is cancelled due to acute illness. The professor plan to teach on Friday 29 August as scheduled, but please check the message board  regularly regarding the class 29 August.  A new  date will be found and posted on the message board  as soon as possible, to replace the lecture of 27 August.

Aug. 26, 2014 9:19 PM