Semester page for JUR5310 - Autumn 2010

Contact information after the results: 5521-5529 Erling Hjelmeng tlf 22859784, 5530-5539 Børge Benum tlf 91157119, 5511-5514 Marius Emberland tlf 22990259, 5515-5519 + BA Eirik Østerud tlf 99608866

Jan. 6, 2011 3:49 PM

16 November – Time for questions about the exam!

On Tuesday 16 November you will be given some last practical information about the up-coming exams and the auxiliary material. And you will be given the opportunity to ask questions you have concerning the exam and auxiliary material.

Time: 14.15-16.00

Place: Aud 4. in Domus Academica

Nov. 9, 2010 2:11 PM

Important! Lecture on how to write exams at the Faculty of Law is postponed to 6 October!

Due to continued illness of the professor in charge of the academic programme for the exchange students, the introductory lecture on answering exams at the Faculty of Law, UiO has been postponed to 6 October. The original lecture scheduled for 9 September is cancelled.

Date: 6 October

Time: 10.15-12.00

Place: Auditorium 4 in Domus Academica

Lecturer: Professor Knut Kaasen

Sep. 7, 2010 12:51 PM