Semester page for IN5210 - Autumn 2020

​Dear all,

We have received some questions from students who wonder if they need to submit the last assignment. We therefore repeat information that was given at the start of the semester: if you have passed 80% of the assignments as well as participated in 80% of the seminars you have the right to take the exam. 

However, to benefit from the two seminars that are left you should  - as always - come prepared. For this coming Monday that entails you have studied the 2018 exam paper and read the research paper that comes with it.

We look forward to see you all at Zoom on Monday, prepared to discuss the 2018 exam paper.

Oct. 30, 2020 4:35 PM

We have decided to have the last seminars online. We see this as the right thing to do in the current Covid-19 situation in Oslo. While the University of Oslo is still a safe place to be, we must also take into account the increasing number of positive tests in Oslo and the new measures from the City Government. We should all travel less on public transportation and avoid meeting in larger groups when it is not essential. With the well-established groups in IN5210, we assume that the discussions will continue when switching to Zoom.

More information about practical arrangements will come from Alexander and Ragnhild.

Oct. 26, 2020 6:18 PM

The syllabus is now finalized with 4 additional papers for the lecture by Ole Hanseth.

Oct. 9, 2020 8:06 AM