What this course is really about

Let's make sure you truly understand what this seminar is about. 

You will soon be computer science PhDs in a world that is by its structure unsustainable – which means that your future and the world's future will depend on deep structural changes taking place. At the same time, you have been educated to pursue a career in the world as is, not to change it. I feel it is my duty as your professor to offer you an alternative; and that it is my privilege to be able to offer you an alternative that is well-developed and thought through. By studying the work and example of Doug Engelbart – the genius inventor who created the core technology we are now using to do our daily work, we will become familiar with a way of developing the IT that can truly make a difference, which has been in development already since 1951. And by studying the work of Knowledge Federation – the international R&D community I've been facilitating – you will become familiar with people and projects which are at the forefront of this development today.

If we are successful, this will be the last time this seminar is offered. Part of our shared task will be to create a MS-level course called "Programming the Collective Intelligence", through which this way of thinking and working will be made available to all Ifi students. 

Published Jan. 26, 2016 2:21 PM