Semester page for ECON4120 - Spring 2009

About the exam: Remember that the exam in ECON3120/4120 is an "open book" exam, meaning that you are allowed to use all printed or written material, i.e. books, notes, old problem solutions, etc. Calculators are also allowed (but remember to have fresh batteries for them). Be sure to know your course number, 3120 for bachelor students, 4120 for master students. Good luck! Arne Strøm

May 19, 2009 4:27 PM

More homework: Here are a few more old exam problems that you ought to do: 17, 19, 25, 39, 42, 70. You will get solutions of them on Thursday 14 May. A.S.

May 8, 2009 11:37 AM

Problems in maximization/minimization. The seminars are over, but you still ought to do as many problems as you can. For Thursday 30 April I recommend that you look at exam problems 39, 51, 73, and 115. You will get solutions of these problems on Thursday, and perhaps a few comments. A.S.

Apr. 27, 2009 6:06 PM