Course Description, Learning Outcome and Examination, Spring 2015

Language policy and planning - Scandinavia, Europe and Beyond.

Course description:

This course will allow students to engage directly with the main theories and methodologies in the field of language policy and planning (LPP), as well as to understand the historical developments that inform the dominant ideologies in LPP theories and practices.

The course will draw on examples from various areas across the world (including Scandinavia) to problematize current issues in LPP in the late modern era. It will take both a diachronic and synchronic approach to this important subfield in sociolinguistics, and a major part of the students’ work will consist in a hands-on project they will be in charge of organizing.

Learning outcome:

  • identify the historical roots of modern LPP, and engage critically with the main theories and concepts in the field;
  • describe and discuss an array of cases in different international contexts, including Scandinavia.
  • engage with LPP in state policies, education, economy, media, family and religion;
  • identify LPP issues in a hands-on project for which students will be responsible, and present their results in a students conference at the end of term

Examination and qualifying assessment:

The final examination will consist in an all-day conference where students will be expected to present the main findings of their research. Mid-term evaluation will consist in an abstract summarizing the work they will present at the Conference.

Publisert 27. okt. 2014 13:51 - Sist endret 7. mars 2018 10:21