
Viser treff 21–40 av 48 for «klima»

GEO-AST3410 – Planetary Sciences – Universitetet i Oslo

/ AST1100 – Introduction to astrophysics (continued) 4th-semester courses within Geofysikk og klima (bachelor) or "general/programming-based astronomy...

GEO4034 – Geohazards – Universitetet i Oslo

klima (bachelor) Students admitted to the following programme: Lektorprogrammet (master – 5 år) , programme option: Realfag Students admitted to the...

GEO4515 – Remote Sensing of the Earth surface – Universitetet i Oslo

Climate (programme option) Geografi (studieretning) (bachelor) Geofysikk og klima (bachelor) Geomorphology and Geomatics (programme option) (being phased...

GEO3034 – Geohazards – Universitetet i Oslo

programmes: Geologi og geografi (bachelor) Geofysikk og klima (bachelor) Students admitted to the following programme: Lektorprogrammet (master – 5 år...

Equality has always been the best remedy against famine - Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History

Katastrophe. Klima und Kultur in der europäischen Hungerkrise 1770-1772 [The twin catastrophe. Culture and climate in the European Famine of 1770-1772] . He is...

Network of National Experts - Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet

Affairs Belgium Noel Klima University of Gent Denmark Chris Holmsted Larsen Danish Centre for Prevention of Extremism Finland Daniel Sallamaa University of...

GEO3515 – Remote Sensing of the Earth surface – Universitetet i Oslo

, Geohazards, and Geomatics (programme option) Water and Climate (programme option) Geografi (studieretning) (bachelor) Geofysikk og klima (bachelor...

GEO1100 – Evolution of the Earth – Universitetet i Oslo

overlap with GEO1000 – Klima og bærekraft: Naturlige prosesser og menneskets påvirkning . Teaching 3x2 hours of lectures in combination with exercises...

GEO-AST4410 – Planetary Sciences – Universitetet i Oslo

klima (bachelor) or "general/programming-based astronomy" Overlapping courses 10 credits overlap with GEO-AST3410 – Planetary Sciences . Teaching 3 hours...

News – Natural History Museum

Norwegian) at https://www.forskning.no/fisk-havforskning-klima/de-er-mat-for-fisken-i-havet-raudate-kan-ha-vaert-feilidentifisert-i-flere-tiar/2350605 19...

ARENA lecture 2022: What Does EU Climate and Environmental Policy Mean for Norway? - Arena Centre for European Studies

Barth Eide addressed when he delivered this year's ARENA lecture. More information Read more about the topic: Hva betyr EUs klima- og miljøpolitikk for...

IN-GEO1900 – Introduction to Programming for Geosciences – Universitetet i Oslo

This course is for stduents belonging to the bachelor programmes Geologi og geografi (bachelor) and Geofysikk og klima (bachelor) Special admission...

FYS1035 – Physics of Climate Change – Universitetet i Oslo

courses is put to use in climate issues. Overlapping courses 5 credits overlap with GEO1000 – Klima og bærekraft: Naturlige prosesser og menneskets...

GEO4512 – Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere – Universitetet i Oslo

Geomatics (programme option) Water and Climate (programme option) Geografi (studieretning) (bachelor) Geofysikk og klima (bachelor) Geomorphology and...

GEO3512 – Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere – Universitetet i Oslo

Climate (programme option) Geografi (studieretning) (bachelor) Geofysikk og klima (bachelor) Geomorphology and Geomatics (programme option) (being phased...

Mudassar Aziz: Academic Equity in Climate Action: The Role of Psychological Knowledge in Justice Initiatives - Psykologisk institutt

, highlighting the interconnections between environmental challenges and societal inequities. Arrangør Psykologi for klima Publisert 14. feb. 2024 12:24 - Sist...

Disputation: Eirik Aasmo Finne - Department of Geosciences

dominerende vegetasjon på høye breddegrader. Imidlertid er det lite kunnskap om deres betydning og rolle i interaksjonen mellom vegetasjon og klima. I dette...

Can participating in community food production lead to more climate-friendly food consumption? - Senter for utvikling og miljø

ethic of care for both the resources we share on this planet. A longer version of this text is published in CICERO Klima . About the project This blog is...

Can participating in community food production lead to more climate-friendly food consumption? - Centre for Development and the Environment

ethic of care for both the resources we share on this planet. A longer version of this text is published in CICERO Klima . About the project This blog is...

Disputation: Britta Schäfer - Department of Geosciences

frysepunktet) og is, og forholdet mellom disse to har stor betydning for skyenes effekt på stråling og klima. I avhandlingen er det brukt observasjoner til å...