
Viser treff 1–8 av 8 for «klima»

Publications and media contributions - Centre for Development and the Environment

partssamarbeidet i norske kommuner. Har Hovedavtalens formål om å innlemme klima- og miljøspørsmål i samarbeidet mellom partene blitt omsatt i lokal praksis...

Hege Westskog - Centre for Development and the Environment

& Sandnes, Thea (2023). Hovedprosjekt småskala - inntrykk fra feltarbeid og videre planer. Westskog, Hege (2023). Kommunenes rolle i energi, klima og...

MEATigation: Meat in Norwegian Food Practices: Eating - Senter for utvikling og miljø

vonde å vende . [Tidsskrift]. Energi og klima. Hansen, Arve; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden, Johannes & Wethal, Ulrikke Bryn (2023). Friday tacos and outdoor...

MEATigation: Meat in Norwegian Food Practices: Eating - Centre for Development and the Environment

, Arve & Haanæs, Øystein Rygg (2023). Ekspertintervju: Kjøttvaner er vonde å vende . [Journal]. Energi og klima. Hansen, Arve; Sundet, Øyvind; Volden...

Ulrikke Bryn Wethal - Centre for Development and the Environment

samtidig kjøper nye? Er det sånn at vi deler og gjenbruker oss til en falsk god samvittighet? Og hvilken pris betaler egentlig klima, natur og mennesker for...

Can participating in community food production lead to more climate-friendly food consumption? - Senter for utvikling og miljø

ethic of care for both the resources we share on this planet. A longer version of this text is published in CICERO Klima . About the project This blog is...

Can participating in community food production lead to more climate-friendly food consumption? - Centre for Development and the Environment

ethic of care for both the resources we share on this planet. A longer version of this text is published in CICERO Klima . About the project This blog is...

abstracts-book.pdf - Museum of Cultural History

International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology6th 4–7 June 2024 – Oslo, Norway Book of Abstracts Book of Abstracts Edited by An