
Viser treff 1–20 av 27 for «blogs»

niloufar-bayani-report-2023.pdf - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter


advocacy-report-humr-4504-marfa-rabkova-and-yahor-kanetski-(003).pdf - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

2022) 56 Peterson Institute for International Economics, “Russia's war on Ukraine: A sanctions timeline”, https://www.piie.com/blogs/realtime-economic...

patrick-zaki---acvocacy-report-.pdf - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

state of emergency in Egypt: An exception or rule?”, accessed 10th April, https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/the-state-of-emergency-in-egypt...

helena-haapio---presentation.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

generating summaries and explanations); OpenAI API https://openai.com/blog/openai-api/, DALLꞏE and GLIDE (creating images from text), Codex https://openai.com...

The China program - Norwegian Centre for Human Rights - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

Chinese-language reports, commentaries and blogs on labor issues. These materials are chosen from amongst the most informative and significant mainland...

cell-sfu-annual-report-2020-3.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

alumni initiative CELL students and others in continuous legal education for lawyers To be implemented III. Dissemination tools 12a. Website (and blogs...

senterplan-cell-sfu-2020-2024-final-4-mai-2020.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

Publication and dissemination of research on legal pedagogy, including in international and Norwegian journals and in popular channels such as blogs and opinion...

aarsrapport_2018.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

Navn 1 Institutt for offentlig rett Årsberetning 2018 2 ISBN 978-82-8063-131-2 Copyright: Institutt for offentlig rett, Universitetet i Oslo, 2019. Ut

aarsrapport_2017_ior.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

Navn 1 Institutt for offentlig rett Årsberetning 2017 2 ISBN 978-82-8063-127-5 Copyright: Institutt for offentlig rett, Universitetet i Oslo, 2017. Ut

aarsrapport-2014.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

Navn Institutt for offentlig rett Årsberetning 2014 1 2 ISBN 978-82-8063-121-3 Copyright: Institutt for offentlig rett, Universitetet i Oslo, 2015. In

aarsrapport_2015_ior.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

Navn Institutt for offentlig rett Årsberetning 2015 1 ISBN 978-82-8063-125-1 Copyright: Institutt for offentlig rett, Universitetet i Oslo, 2016. Innh

annual-report-2015.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

consistent with broader developments in research on international courts." From blog post at the PluriCourts blog on "The Performance of International courts...

pluricourts-annual-report-2016.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

providing updates on news, blog posts and publications within international criminal courts and tribunals. The team has also posted multiple blog posts...

pluricourts-annual-report-2014.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

University) reseArCh disseMinAtion 28 | Annual report 2014 Annual report 2014 | 29 blog is gaining increasing attention, and several researchers are present on...

arsrapport_2016_ior.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

Navn 1 Institutt for offentlig rett Årsberetning 2016 2 ISBN 978-82-8063-126-8 Copyright: Institutt for offentlig rett, Universitetet i Oslo, 2017. Ut

jon-bing-memorial-seminar-2021.vtt - Institutt for privatrett

of the european commission was launched   00:10:51.360 --> 00:10:56.080 uh published a blog post and a blog post  of course is nothing...

Innkalling til instituttrådsmøte ved IOR 28.mars 2017 med alle vedlegg [pdf] - Institutt for offentlig rett

Det juridiske fakultet Notat Universitetet i Oslo Institutt for offentlig rett PB 6706 St. Olavs plass 0130 Oslo Telefon: 22 85 94 21 Telefaks: 22 85

o-sak-06.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

. Department of Public Law To blog or not blog? With this hamletic doubt in mind, I recently joined an interesting seminar arranged by Gender equality and...

saker-101215.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

Sakskart til møte 4/2015 i fakultetsstyret - Det juridiske fakultet http://www.jus.uio.no/om/organisasjon/styret/moter/2015/151210/sakskart.html[04.12...

aarsrapport-2013.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

Navn 1 Institutt for offentlig rett Årsberetning 2013 2 ISBN 978-82-8063-120-6 Copyright: Institutt for offentlig rett, Universitetet i Oslo, mars 201