Elin Boasson: "Climate action post-Paris: How can the IPCC stay relevant?"

Professor Elin Lerum Boasson was a lead author in the sixth assessment report cycle of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Working Group III Mitigation and is a member of the Swedish Climate Policy Council. She has published extensively on climate policy and politics, particularly on policy entrepreneurship, business influence, political steering, policy diffusion and the EU. Her work is primarily comparative and contributes to climate governance studies as well as to historical and sociological institutionalism. Boasson is deputy head of the Political Science Department at the University of Oslo and is also affiliated with CICERO, Center for International Climate Research. Her fifth book was published in 2021. The research project Accelerating Climate Action and the State: Getting to Net Zero (ACCELZ) - Institutt for statsvitenskap (ISV) (uio.no) is led by Boasson.

Image may contain: Scarf, Forehead, Face, Nose, Cheek.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been a crucial facilitator of climate change research and governance. After its sixth assessment cycle, the organisation is at a critical juncture. The amount of climate science has grown tremendously over the past three decades, but so has global emissions of greenhouse gases. If the world is to reach the objectives implied by the Paris Agreement, climate action must accelerate on an unprecedented scale and at a pace across widely differing contexts. Scientific knowledge will play a key role in this endeavour. Everyone who produces or relies on climate knowledge needs to wrestle with this pivotal question: How can IPCC processes and outcomes be reformed to produce knowledge that is more relevant for climate action? The organisation and resource constraints of the IPCC must be considered when searching for answers. This is an introduction to a special collection of research articles, reviews and perspectives dealing with this question from many different angles. In this introduction, we present four possible reform agendas for the IPCC in the form of ideal types, all with their advantages and disadvantages. This introduction does not advocate a certain set of reforms but rather attempts to spur discussions and reflections on the IPCC and its future.
Published Aug. 29, 2023 11:15 AM - Last modified May 28, 2024 12:01 PM