Information for audience

There will be made an audio/video recording of this event. The recording will be published on UiO’s web page and on YouTube. You consent in being filmed by participating in this event. 

Know your rights

So long as you can be identified in the collected data, you have the right to:

  • access the personal data that is being processed about you

  • request that incorrect personal data about you is corrected/rectified

  • object to personal data being processed about you

  • send a complaint to the Data Protection Officer or The Norwegian Data Protection Authority regarding the processing of your personal data

What gives us the right to process your personal data? We will process your personal data as a task in the public interest. The goal is to carry out research on music performance and perception in real-world contexts, and to explore new strategies for open research. 

Who to contact

If you have questions or want to exercise your rights, contact: 

About MusicLab

MusicLab is a joint project between RITMO and the University Library at the  University of Oslo. In MusicLab live music and live research go hand in hand and the audience get a stunning musical experience while at the same time contributing to open science. After the concert, you can get a peek into what really happened in your body as you listened to the music, when our own Data Jockey takes over.

Published Oct. 29, 2019 4:22 PM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2022 12:05 PM