Information for subjects

Information and consent for subjects at MusicLab  vol. 4

This is an inquiry about participation in a research project where the main purpose is to study the performance and perception of music in a real-world scenario. This document contains information about the purpose of the project and what your participation will involve.

Purpose of MusicLab

There are three aims of MusicLab:

  • Research: The fundamental question we ask is: How do people engage with music? And more particularly: what is the role of the body in music performance and perception? This includes the way the body moves, as well as physiological responses (breathing, pulse, and so on). During a MusicLab session we measure such bodily responses using different types of technologies. 

  • Dissemination: Another important aspect of MusicLab is that of exploring new ways of spreading information about how research is performed and conducted. For most people research is something that happens behind closed doors at a university. We want to do research in the “field”, tell about the process, and show what we find. 

  • Innovation: Finally we want to use MusicLab as a testbed for Open Research. This is a radically new way of thinking about the research process itself. Rather than keeping the entire research process closed, we want to invite everyone to help us collect data. We also want to share the data with the public, and show how it can be analysed. 

We organize 2-3 MusicLab events per year. In between the events we work on analysis of the data, and prepare lectures and publications on the results. Since all the data and tools from MusicLab are openly available, everyone can help out. We hope to inspire other people to use the data for whatever purpose they may find useful.

Who is responsible for MusicLab? 

MusicLab is organized jointly by RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion and the University Library of the University of Oslo. The events are organized in different venues around Oslo. 

Why are you being asked to participate? 

If you read this text, you have been approached by someone from our team and asked about participating. We are looking for healthy adults that we can collect motion/physiological data from during the event.

What does participation involve for you?

Being a subject at MusicLab involves putting on some small sensors on the body. These measure bodily activity, quite similar to a commercial activity tracker. They are completely harmless to use, and in many cases you will forget about the sensors. That is also the point, because you should just behave normally during the event.

As a subject, you will also fill out two questionnaires, one before and one after the event. The questionnaires  are aimed at capturing some basic data about your age, gender, and musical background, as well as your experience during the event. This should only take a few minutes. The data collection and questionnaires are anonymous.

The event is filmed in its entirety, since we are interested in studying how everyone present moves. The cameras cover the entire space, so you may likely be filmed as part of the group. We will not zoom in on individual people, and our research interest is in how the group moves as a whole.

Participation is voluntary 

Participation in the project is voluntary. If you chose to participate, you can withdraw your consent at any time without giving a reason. All your data will then be deleted. There will be no negative consequences if you decide to withdraw.

How we will store and use your data 

We will only use your personal data for the purpose(s) specified in this information letter. We will process your personal data confidentially, and in accordance with data protection legislation (the General Data Protection Regulation and Personal Data Act). 

  • Only people in the project group will have access to the personal data. 

  • Anonymized versions of the data will be made openly available, with a CC-BY license.

  • A video from the event will be made openly available, but there will be no link between your (anonymous) sensor/questionnaire data and the video. 

What will happen to your personal data at the end of the research project? 

MusicLab is an ongoing project, without a defined end time. When the project ends, your consent form will be deleted and the anonymized data will be deposited in an open archive. 

Your rights 

So long as you can be identified in the collected data, you have the right to:

  • access the personal data that is being processed about you 

  • request that your personal data is deleted

  • request that incorrect personal data about you is corrected/rectified

  • receive a copy of your personal data (data portability), and

  • send a complaint to the Data Protection Officer or The Norwegian Data Protection Authority regarding the processing of your personal data

What gives us the right to process your data? 

We will process your data based on your consent to be recorded. Based on an agreement with the University of Oslo, NSD – The Norwegian Centre for Research Data AS has assessed that the processing of personal data in this project is in accordance with data protection legislation.

Where can I find out more?

If you have questions about the project, or want to exercise your rights, contact: 

Silent consent

By participating as a subject I consent to:

  • participate in sensor-based data collection 

  • participate in the survey based on anonymous pre- and post-event questionnaires

  • for anonymized sensor/questionnaire data to be shared openly for reuse

Published Oct. 29, 2019 4:22 PM - Last modified Oct. 30, 2019 8:42 PM