
The individual researcher has an independent responsibility to ensure that their research proceeds in accordance with good research practice and recognised scientific and ethical principles, and in compliance with the regulatory framework.

All research should be conducted according to UiO's ethics guidelines and the 10 ethics commandments.

Regular projects

Most RITMO projects do not need a specific ethical assessment. It is sufficient to focus on privacy and data protection. This is handled through a notification to NSD.

In case there are ethical questions about projects, it is possible to consult with one of the national committees for research ethics: Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH) or Science and Technology (NENT). Typical questions for these committees include how best to ensure that consent is freely given and whether children can consent by themselves to take part in research projects.

Medical and health projects

Research projects covered by the Health Research Act must be approved in advance by the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics. This includes projects which intend to generate new knowledge about health and disease.

REC carries out an assessment as to whether research is undertaken in an acceptable manner. This entails the consideration of benefit versus risk and whether data protection is assured.

Ethics Checklist

Published Jan. 26, 2021 9:43 AM - Last modified Jan. 26, 2021 10:27 AM