Semester page for FYS-STK4155 - Autumn 2018


No final workshop

Dear All,

with too many of you being stressed with exams and so forth, we ended up with dropping the workshop. The unfortunate thing this year is that many exams extended (from Monday Nov 26) into a regular teaching week. Having only less than half of you being able to attend the workshop is also not ideal.

However, with your consent, may be we could share a common link with the final projects (but only if you agree to do so). 

So, sorry for the late note, I was frantically hoping we could run the workshop, but seen the boundary conditions, we thought it is better to skip it. 

Anyway, best wishes to everybody and thx again for a fantastic semester.

Best wishes with your exams and project 3 (deadline Dec 17)

Bendik, Kristine, Morten and Øyvind

6. des. 2018 11:46

Weekly update FYS-STK3155/4155

Dear All, this is sadly our last week of lectures. It has been incredibly fun. And the amount of labor you all have put in your projects is amazing. Thx a million for all these heroic efforts. we hope to be able to come with feedback to project 2 by the end of this week. The deadline for project 3 is now December 17. Else, this week the lab on Wednesday runs as normal and the last lecture with the final discussion of Boltzmann machines as well as a summary of the course plus final discussion of project 3 is on Thursday the 29th. There is no lecture on November 30. 


Furthermore, as you can see from the poll here, I am still trying to organize the final workshop. Based on your inputs it seems that it is only December the 11 which fits. 

For the workshop, the idea is that every group makes a 5 min presentation. There are so many exciting proposals for project 3...

26. nov. 2018 08:26

Plans for week 47


Dear all, this week we will start with our last topic, a gentle introduction to unsupervised learning. Our focus will be on Boltzmann machines, in particular so-called restricted Boltzmann machines. These have received quite some interest lately, from imaging to the solution of Schroedinger's equation in quantum mechanics, see for example Carleo's article in Science last year,

It will also allow us to continue partly with the probabilistic themes discussed last week and bring up what is called MCMC simulations, Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulations. So, in addition to discussing the theory behind Boltzmann machines  (with links to the Hopfield and Ising models as well), we will also discuss the Metropolis and Gibbs sampling approach, all highly relevant for Bayesian theory as well.

This will end the topics covered this semester.  We e...

19. nov. 2018 12:40