Semester page for FYS-STK4155 - Autumn 2020


Dear all, first, thx to everybody for heroic efforts with project 2 (and 1). We are almost done with feedback (we miss 4-5 of you, but they should be there soon). 

And the reports look really good, congratulations to you all. We are proud of you!


Since we have received several requests for an extended deadline (due to conflicts with other exams etc etc), we have extended the deadline to December 16 at midnight.

If you have already submitted, you can always update/change etc your report.


If needed, we can always organize a one-to-one zoom session.


Best wishes to you all,

Morten et al

11. des. 2020 16:09

Dear all,

we hope you all are doing well and that project 3 is on track.

tomorrow we will have a new (and the last one this semester) digital lab from 10am to 12pm. The zoom link is the same as the one we have used for our lectures, see link below.

best wishes to you all,

Morten et al.


/// zoom link

Topic: Lectures FYS-ST3155/4155
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 950 6936 1786
Passcode: 356225

8. des. 2020 11:08

Hi all, hope you are doing well. Just a quick reminder that we are running a question and answer digital lab tomorrow from 10am to 12pm.

The zoom link is the same as the one we used for the lectures


Topic: Lectures FYS-ST3155/4155
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 950 6936 1786
Passcode: 356225


Best wishes to you all and good luck with project 3. 

Morten et al,

ps we will run a similar Q&A lab next Wednesday as well, same time and same zoom link

1. des. 2020 18:34

Hi all! This is sadly our last week and the semester comes to an end. Hopefully you are all doing well and have been able to start working on the last project.

This Wednesday is our last lab session with in-person labs. We will also keep the digital lab open from 8am to 6pm. We will also offer digital labs on Wednesday December 2 from 10am-12pm and Wednesday December 9 from 10am-12pm.  The zoom link will be mailed to you later. 


Else, on Thursday we wrap up our discussion on support vector machines, repeating the linear classification approach discussed last week and venturing into Kernels for non-linear problems and regression as well with examples. Finally, we summarize, with perspectives for future ML studies and a discuss...

24. nov. 2020 08:40

Dear all, on Friday we will have presentations about possible data sets for project 3 by many of you. There are many exciting topics. 

Here are the various projects that will be presented during the first lecture (and possibly parts of the second lecture as well).  All Titles are tentative.   Talks are approx 5-10 mins with roughly 5 minutes for discussions. The schedule is flexible and we hope you will enjoy the broad creativity expressed in these suggestions. We love them! 



* Maria Emine Nylund: Lego Bricks Classifier

* Fabio Rodrigues Pereira: Financial Machine Learning

* Markus Borud Pettersen: Machine Learning and Brain Grid Cells

* Jing Sun and Endrias Getachew Asgedom: Machine learning-based approaches to denoising microseismic data

* Felicia...

19. nov. 2020 05:30