INF9470 – Neuromorphic electronics

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

Introduction into neuromorphic electronic circuits. These are circuits inspired by the nervous system that either help verifying neuro-physiological models, or that are useful components in artificial perception/action systems. Research also aims at using them in implants. These circuits are computational devices and intelligent sensors that are very differently organized than digital processors. Their storage and processing capacity is distributed. They are asynchronous and use no clock signal. They are often purely analog and operate time continuous. They are adaptive or can even learn on a basic level instead of being programmed. A short introduction into the area of brain research is also included in the course.

Learning outcome

The students will learn to exploit mechanisms employed by the nervous system for compact energy efficient analog integrated circuits. They will get insight into a multidisciplinary research area. The students will learn to analyze analog CMOS circuits and acquire basic knowledge in brain research methods.


PhD candidates from the University of Oslo should apply for classes and register for examinations through Studentweb.

If a course has limited intake capacity, priority will be given to PhD candidates who follow an individual education plan where this particular course is included. Some national researchers’ schools may have specific rules for ranking applicants for courses with limited intake capacity.

PhD candidates who have been admitted to another higher education institution must apply for a position as a visiting student within a given deadline.

Overlapping courses

6 credits INF-NEUR


2 hours lecture plus 4 lab tasks


Oral exam. Grades A-F.

In addition, each PhD student will be given an extended curriculum within the field/research area of the course. The syllabus must be approved by the lecturer so that the student can be admitted to the final exam.

Resit an examination

This subject does not offer new examination in the beginning of the subsequent term for candidates who withdraw during an ordinary examination or fail an ordinary examination. For general information about new examination, see /studier/admin/eksamen/sykdom-utsatt/mn/index.html and


Note that the first lecture is compulsory.

Facts about this course

Every autumn
Every autumn
Teaching language