Data and Code for exam 2020 STK 4051/9051

Data  for Problem  2

Diabetes data consist of y a vector of the response variable dimension 442 x 1
and x a matrix of explanatory variables  of dimension 442 x 64  diabetesEx2.dat

The data is also on ascii format where it is stored as a 65 columns the response variable y being the first column, the explanatory variables being the 64 next. diabetesEx2.ascii

Code for Problem 2

Code relevant for genetic algorithm is here.  

Data for problem 3, 4 and 5.

The data consist of x1, a vector of data of dimension  625 x1. EM_Mixture.dat

The data is also on ascii format EM_Mixture.ascii

Code for Problem 5

The STAN program for rstan is available here

Published May 30, 2020 6:48 PM - Last modified May 30, 2020 6:48 PM