Boeings "Dreamliner" ble til gjennom brukersentrert design

I Norge har Boeing 787 «Dreamliner» blitt beryktet etter Norwegians problemer med påliteligheten da flytypen var helt ny. Men de som har fløyet med flyet sider det er fantastisk. Bedre plass, bedre lys, mindre støy.

Flyet ble til gjennom over 50 fokusgrupper, der vanlige passasjerer evaluerte alle deler av konstruksjonen.

[Boeing] got 50 focus groups together across the world over five years in the mid-noughties, as well as experts such as French psychologist and marketing guru Clotaire Rapaille, […]. “Sometimes, we’d get 15 people in a room and just ask what they’d like from a plane if they could have anything; other times we’d put them in a mock-up of an interior and ask them how they felt; and sometimes we’d ask questions to subjects who had no idea what the interview was about – the aim was to get people to convey the actual emotions they’d like to have when flying."
Publisert 19. aug. 2015 09:01 - Sist endret 19. aug. 2015 09:05