Semesterside for INF2260 - Høst 2011


If you would like to deliver a video with your report, please upload it to Youtube or Vimeo first(if you do not wish for others to have access to it, mark it as private video). Then include the link to the video (people who do get the link can watch your video) into your report and deliver via Devilry. If this is problematic with respect to your clients, please invite me, Amela, Joshi and Hani to a dropbox with your video. Videos are too large for email, so please avoid that. Thank you, Alma

25. nov. 2011 13:57

Lyst til å bli gruppelærer? Ledige stillinger for vårsemesteret 2012. Søknadsfrist 1.12.2011. Se utlysningsteksten

24. nov. 2011 02:01

I would like to say this again: please prepare for the exam by reviewing your book, and not your own projects only. The questions on the exam will be related to your projects, but will probably not be around something you have already said in your report, but rather around something you could have, so you need to know the class material.

22. nov. 2011 17:14