Semesterside for INF2260 - Høst 2016


9. nov. 2016 16:43

than scheduled. It will happen on the 24th of November. Nothing else changes. That is to say, same due date for the report and same dates for exam. So, I hope you all will appreciate the change :)

28. okt. 2016 15:52

Repetition of chapter 10- usability testing and quiz by Joshi


28. okt. 2016 09:51

Reminder: Quiz 2 and repetition by Joshi of central concepts covered in chapters 3 and 4.

 Friday 07.10 , kl 10:15-12:00, seminar room Logo


7. okt. 2016 10:04

It is due by midnight on the 30th of September, by email to your group teacher. Aslo, any questions on assignment should be directed to your group teachers. Best luck


23. sep. 2016 21:23

Reminder: Quiz and repetition of central concepts covered so far by Joshi.

 Friday 23.09 , kl 10:15-12:00, seminar room Logo


22. sep. 2016 11:15